Bruce Wayne: "I'm Just Tired"

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Title: "I'm Just Tired"

Character: Batman/Bruce Wayne.

Relationship: Parent/Adopted Father Son Duo (found father ??).

Type: Angst to Fluff (now I look back on this it doesn't get toooo fluffy until very end).

Content Warnings: This is basically a vent (like all of these stories). There's a bit of swearing. Mention of Self Harm and just generally awful mental health so please skip this if this topic will trigger you. 

Author's Note: I'm obsessed with Batman right now and I really need a fucking hug so lets just hope for the best with this. 


Long, dark shadows flowed from long windows and loomed over a young teenager. The teenager just sat in the shadows, allowing them to over take them, allowing the shadows to hide their body.  Allowing the shadows to hide their face, and hide their emotions. 

The reason y/n could be hiding in the shadows could be because he  just didn't  like the sun. It could be just because he couldn't be bothered to move. Or it could be to disappear and hope that no one would notice him. 

Y/n was tired. He felt the pressure of the world weighing him down. He knew that this wasn't true though. No matter how bad he felt, there is someone else having it 10 times as worst. Half of the problems he faced was just because he was privileged. People less fortunate would have way more things to worry about than just failing school. But yet, he still ached. He knew he shouldn't. He knew he didn't deserve to feel sad, yet he still did. He morned for the loss of his childhood self, and wished he could turn back into the pure child. He wished he knew more, he wished he knew how to cope. 

He fucking wished he knew how to cope. 

Standing up abruptly y/n screamed. No one heard the scream. For more than one reason, the first one being he was alone, in an empty mansion. The second being that the scream made no noise. Through years of suffering alone, y/n had taught himself how to scream silently. How to get rid of the anger without anyone noticing, without anyone getting worried. 

The scream had tired y/n out. It shouldn't have tired him out, but it did. Letting emotions was tiring for him. Never had anyone taught him how to cope with emotions. No one told him how to let emotions out. In the orphanage you had to stay silent. You are a child in a sea of children. No one will bother listening to your screams. No one will help you. You suffer alone. Don't let your emotions show or you are soft. You're weak.

It's very easy to tell that this mentality will stay with you and cause you more suffering in later life. And this is the case for y/n. 

Panting and crying, y/n picked up his phone from his pocket and threw it at the floor. 

"WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING COPE" He yelled out loud this time, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Why are you such a fucking dick head ?? Why can't you talk ?!?! Why. Don't. YOU. WORK!?!" With ever pause y/n hit his head with his fist. Because he was never taught how to let his anger out safely or normally, violence was the result of the built up and bottled up anger. He hurt himself as a way to cope. Was it the best way to cope? No. Of course not. He should have gotten help. He should get help. He knows that. Yet he still doesn't. 

"Dumbass." He whispered to himself as he sat back down in the shadows.

"Y/n?" A voice came echoing from the entrance at the end of the huge dining hall. Y/n's name soared through the still air, looping around all of the furniture and finally making it's way to y/n himself.

Y/n did not react to his name being called. He just sat still, in the shadows, crying. He didn't care if Bruce saw him. He was too tired. He was tired of hiding his emotions, he was tired of being himself. But he will continue to do both of those things. He never changed after all. What was the point of trying?

"Y/n? I'm coming over now." The owner of the echoing voice said as he walked across the room to y/n. 

Bruce had adopted Y/n a few months ago now. Y/n was a scared little boy in an over crowded orphanage, he had no family and clearly wasn't going to head down a good path in later life if he stayed there. So, Bruce had adopted him. Alfred had been nagging Bruce to adopt a son (or child, anyone if Alfred was being perfectly honest. Bruce seemed very lonely), so Y/n was perfect. And if Bruce was honest with himself, y/n reminded him of himself a little bit.

Bruce knew how y/n felt, he knew how it felt to be fed up of being yourself. He knew how it felt to be exhausted beyond help. He knew how it felt to bottle up emotions. Yet he didn't say that. He also knew that being told that someone else had faced the same things as you isn't always helpful. He knew that talking wasn't always the way to make someone feel better. So instead he just walked up to y/n, and held his arms out for a hug.

It seemed odd for y/n, that someone would offer them a hug. Of course they had been at Wayne Manor for a while now, but Bruce was a closed off person. He never really opened up. So for him to be offering y/n a hug, thats crazy !! Clearly Bruce was really trying to help y/n in this situation. Clearly Bruce was ready to put his insecurities to the side to help y/n.

The long shadows lifted off y/n as he stood up. He stood up slowly as of how drained he was. Dried tears stained his face and glistened in the disappearing sunset's light as he moved into Bruce's outstretched arms. 

And as Bruce closed his arms in for a hug, he felt all the weight of y/n lean on him. Y/n had gone limp in Bruce's arms. He was so tired. He was so sad. All he wanted was a hug. All he wanted was company. All he wanted was someone to be there for him, someone who wouldn't leave. And Bruce wasn't leaving. They stood there, embraced in the hug, neither of them would let go soon. Both needed this hug. Both of them just wanted to be loved, and both of them were.


Dammmmn that was a long one (get your minds out of the gutter).

As you can probably tell by reading this, it is very much a vent story... dude I need to stop doing that? No. It's nice to write something and publish it, knowing that practically no one will read it (and if they do they live half way across the world from me).

Will I edit this? No. It's awfully written for most of it, but it's practice for my English assignment. I'll probably steal some of my previously written fan fics in my English assignment. I might even post my story (English assignment) here because I know Wattpad is more likely to recommend your book to people if you upload regularly. Soooo I might do that. I hate writing when I need to, and about a topic. Just let me write fan fics all the time.

Enjoy your day/night,

Jam :)

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