Obi Wan: "The Aromantic Jedi"

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Title: "The Aromantic Jedi"

Character: Obi Wan

Relationship: I really dunno tbh. It's platonic though.

Type: Angst to Fluff ??

Content Warnings: A few F bombs. 

Author's Note: I don't really like this but it took too long to write and i need to upload something. Also this is basically just me trauma dumping so enjoy xx


Being a jedi came easy to y/n. Becoming a master was a walk in the park. Hiding emotions came easy to him. When he was a child his parents would get mad at him. "It's to masculine to cry, y/n". "You talk to much y/n, shut up a little bit". It's enough to say that he was happy when the jedi came and took him away.

When the jedi masters instructed the padawans that showing emotions is forbidden, y/n knew he would be fine. When now when y/n cried you couldn't see the tears, he wouldn't flush, his face wouldn't change. He was proud of this. He was actually good at something for once. His parents would be proud.

Most things came very easy to y/n about being a jedi. Like not having any attraction. Apparently this was something most people struggled with. Y/n never had struggled with that. When he thought about it, he had never had those feelings. Sometimes he would lay in bed and imagine him with someone. He could picture the person and he could imagine him kissing that person, all though it didn't feel right. It felt strange. After a while he started to long to feel this "romantic" love. He just wanted to try it. Surely there was a trial period for love, so he could decide if he wanted to love someone or not. Maybe if he felt love he wouldn't be so alone?

These questions swirled in y/n's head. He tried to quell them, like he always did with his emotions. But this wouldn't go away. It was tiring y/n out. He would stay awake at night, just wondering. Did these thoughts follow him like a stench? Y/n started to think it did. Sometimes the other jedi would turn when they crossed in the jedi temple's corridors and look at him, confused. No one said anything. Y/n was a master after, he could handle it. He looked fine after all.

No one said anything until one day Obi Wan crossed y/n in the hallway. Obi Wan had walked past y/n quite a few times now, and Obi Wan had finally decided he was going to say something.

"Hey, um... Master y/l/n. Are you okay? You seem um, well, stressed."

Y/n was puzzled. Why did Obi Wan care?
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I think so at least..." Y/n forced a small chuckle, trying to lift the mood. Although it didn't work.
"You don't have anything on right now do you? Come have some tea with me. It will be nice."
"Yeah, sure why not."

... tea? Why did y/n agree to this?!! God. He had stuff to fucking do. He was tired. Didn't want to talk. Why did he agree?!?


"So, I can sense pain in you y/n. It's surprising, normally I can't sense any emotions from you. Do you want to talk about it?" Obi Wan said as he placed the tea in front of himself and y/n and then sat down facing y/n.

"Um... Well..." For a moment y/n was going to open up to Obi Wan. It was rare for anyone to offer any kind of help to y/n, so this felt special. But then y/n remembered. No emotions. Nothing. That was what he was good at.
"It's really nothing! I should get going if you know what I mean. I needed to look at something about the force. In the library. In a book. Search it up." With every word he edged closer to the door.
"Y/n. Please, I'm just trying to help."
"There is nothing that needs to be helped!!" Y/n said turning around to the door, his voice getting higher pitched.
"Y/n stop." Obi Wan reached out to y/n's mind. Using the force he got through the walls that y/n had put around his mind. Finding a memory.

Y/n stood, bending over a sink, staring at his reflection, looking into it's eyes.
"Why? Why don't you feel anything!! You're so empty. Everyone else feels love. They feel it. They overcome it. Why don't you fucking feel anything!!? You're a husk of a being." And just with that y/n slumped. Tired and drained.

"Get the fuck out of my head." Y/n said coldly. He looked scary for once. His resting face was cold enough, but this was actually scary. Enough to wipe the smile off of anyone. Yet, instead of backing away, Obi Wan moved forward towards Y/n. Opening his arms and giving y/n a hug.

Y/n fell into the hug. Giving up. He just rested in Obi Wan's arms.


Sorry for the lack of uploads !! My mac book wouldn't turn on and writing on an iphone is a fucking pain. Yet i wrote this all on my iphone. WHY ITS PAINFUL !!

Editor Jam here - damn barely anyone reads this book so I shall post what ever I want, even if it is my trauma dumping and wishing for a hug from a fictional character!! :D

Jam :)

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