New Beginnings

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Thank you so much! I appreciate you telling me all of this since no one else will. I would love for you to come down here and tell me more as well.

You might want to check up on Harry. His name was called for the tournament even though the age is 17 and older. He seemed rather shocked so... despite what everyone else things, I don't think he did it himself.



I assume that Harry is with his friends right now, and if I'm right, they're trying to figure out how his name got in there. I can't stop thinking about how everyone is going to assume he did it himself. Of course they will. Look how fast Draco and the rest of Slytherin believed that he did it himself.

Theo went to bed about ten minutes ago. I've been sitting here alone since then. Enzo and Blaise went out and haven't come back yet, and Daphne had plans with her sister. The two of them went home for the night. Draco, I don't even know what he's up to. He disappeared a while ago.

So pretty much everyone's busy.

And then there's Riddle who is out with Parkinson. I'd prefer to not spend my time with either of them.

How could Harry even put his name in the goblet when there was an age line? That doesn't make any sense. If everyone's believing that he did it, how do they think he went about that? I'm genuinely lost trying to figure it out.

I suppose he could've asked an older student but why would they go through with it? 

I don't get it.

"Cameron! Nice to see someone's still awake." Riddle says as he and Parkinson enter the common room. I sigh and roll my eyes. Great, now they're here. The two people I didn't want to see. "I have some news for you."

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?" I ask him. He sits down across from me while Parkinson stands by the door waiting for him to be done with this conversation.

"Apparently not everyone believes your theory that Potter didn't put his own name in the goblet," Riddle says to me, smirking at how proud he is about knowing this information.

"At least I'm not the only one," I say and he laughs at my response. "Who was it then?"

"You'll never guess," Parkinson adds from the doorway.

I glance to her and she's looking down at her nails, ignoring me glancing.

"Hermione?" I ask them both. Parkinson scoffs and shakes her head.

"As if Potter's precious girl friend would ever turn her back on him!" Parkinson mumbles bitterly.

"Then wh- oh." I cut off  when I realized what they're hinting at. "The red head?"

This time, Parkinson actually laughs at this.

"Yup, Parkinson and I saw the three of them arguing very loudly in the hall by the astronomy tower. Turns out, Weasley is jealous that Potter gets to be in the tournament," Riddle explains to me. "Granger was in the middle of them trying to keep them from making a scene."

"It was fucking hilarious," Parkinson adds as she starts laughing as she recalls the memory.

"I genuinely didn't see that coming," I say to both of them. "I thought the three of them understood each other, and never fight."

"Ha! That's funny," Parkinson laughs. "Everyone fights."

"And on that note, I think I'm going to go to my dorm now," I say as I stand up. "Always fun talking to you two. Good night."

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