Chapter 1

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It was a cooler day, the sun was shining beautifully making outside good sweatshirt weather.

Midoriya was sitting in his dorm, looking outside, admiring the view when someone knocked on his door. He got up and smiled when he saw who was on the other side, Todoroki.

"Todoroki! What's up?" Todoroki smiled back and let himself in the room. As he sat on the bed he pointed to Midoriya's desk, "doing homework?" The smaller shut the door and laughed a little as he walked over to his desk.

"Trying to, the outside is so beautiful sometimes I get lost in it." Todoroki looked up at Midoriya and nodded, "um, can I ask you a question?"

Midoriya sat down, noticing the way Todoroki's body language changed and his voice grew quieter. "Of course Todoroki! You can ask me anything."

Todoroki breathed out and looked Midoriya in the eyes. "Do you have a crush on someone?" He leaned back against his desk, "o-oh uh, yes I do. Do you?" The air in the room grew thicker as they looked at each other.

"Yes I do," Todoroki grabbed Midoriya's hands, they were across from each other. Midoriya's breath hicked, "and its you." Midoriya's heart lifted and fluttered, "I like you too."

They interlocked their fingers and smiled at each other.

"I didn't know if you were into guys, Uraraka figured out I liked you and said I should tell you." Midoriya's smile grew, "I'm glad, really glad you like me back."

Todoroki stood up, causing Midoriya to follow suit and they embraced each other into a tight hug.

"With you be my boyfriend Midoriya?" Midoriya squeezed Todoroki closer, his head was on the tallers chest and his arms were around his waist. Todoroki had his arms around his shoulder and was resting his chin in Midoriya's hair. "Yes of course I will."

Both boys were over come with relief and happiness as they gentle swung back and forth, holding each other. "I'm so happy Todoroki," Todoroki let out a happy sigh, "I am too, call me Shoto."

Midoriya giggled lightly, "you better call me Izuku then too." Todoroki pulled away some, only enough to look at Midoriya. "Or what?" Midoriya pulled away completely and crossed his arms. "No hugs."

Todoroki gasped, "but now that I know what they are like I cant live without them." Midoriya blushed, "fine."

He looked up at Todoroki and slid his hand into the tallers, interlocking their fingers again.

Then he started to run towards his door and out the dorm, pulling Todoroki behind him.


"Let's go tell everyone the good news!" Todoroki blushed, "okay." Midoriya ran down the stairs, skipping a few and scaring Todoroki as they were still connected.

Once in the common room, they stopped and stood side by side. Almost all their friends and classmates were there and they all looked at the two, because of the commotion they caused.

"Guys guess what!" Midoriya didn't wait for anyone to answer, he held up his and Todoroki's hand, "we are dating!"

Uraraka, Denki, and Mina's faces lit up as they ran at the two. Sero and Iida gave them a thumbs up, and Kirishima and Bakugou's faces dropped.

Bakugou quickly picked himself up and grunted before leaving the room. Kirishima sighed and put on a fake smile before joining the three.

"Congrats guys! I'm happy for you!" Kirishima smiled and the two, "thanks Kirishima!" Midoriya wrapped his arm around Todoroki's, hiding behind him slightly.

"So tell us the details!" Mina basically commanded, Uraraka nodded in agreement with her statement. "Todoroki just confessed to me in my dorm." Mina and Uraraka's faces both dropped, "that's it!?"

Denki started laughing, "what more did you want him to say?" "I want juicy details! Like did you kiss?" Mina brought her hands to her chest, hopeful.

"N-no, not yet," Midoriya grew shy, maybe it wasnt the best idea to tell them all just yet.

"Okay guys, Shoto and I are gonna go now. We just wanted to tell you." All four of them looked a little down, "oh this is so exciting! We have a gay couple in the class!" Mina cheered, Uraraka and Midoriya laughed.

"Yep! See you guys!" Midoriya started to pull Todoroki over to the elevator. "That went well." Todoroki nodded, "I'm glad they weren't overly in our faces about it." That's when they heard the girls scream, and Denki too. Kirishima laughed at them and looked over at Midoriya, who looked at him.

Midoriya smiled and gave a little wave, getting one back in return. The elevator dinged and the two stepped inside, still holding hands. "Who's dorm should we go to?" Todoroki asked, "let's go to mine, I have a lot of movies we could watch."

Todoroki nodded and put his head on top of Midoriya's, "I like being affectionate like this, it makes me feel safe." Midoriya blushed, "I do too, for the same reason too."

Sure they just started to date, but they had been friends for awhile. They were already comfortable with each other and used to spending time in each other's dorms. Both boys have thought about doing couple type stuff with each other as well, so the change wasn't anything major.

Midoriya opened the door, they let go of each other's hands. Todoroki crawled onto the bed as Midoriya put in a fun movie.

Midoriya joined Todoroki on his bed and cuddled up into his side. It was fairly late, they had eaten dinner and Todoroki came to Midoriya's dorm a little while after dinner.

Todoroki yawned, making Midoriya yawn and they slumped into the bed farther and onto each other more.

After awhile, the movie started to turn into background noise as the two started to drift off into a sweet sleep.

Alright so...

How was it? I feel like this start is going to be a lot easier for me to work off of. Sometimes it's hard to write :'). Anyways thank you for reading.

I also wanted to add that this chapter is a little shorter only because I wanted to get it up and see what I can do with it.

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