Narwhals Narwhals Swimming in the Ocean

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The baby narwhal looked up from the clam it was trying to eat, up at its dad. "I can't open it." the dad looked down at the shell, noticing it was in fact, a crab. "Try this," the bigger narwhal showed the smaller a vibrant rock-like creature. "Ah! Thanks dad!" the younger munched on the clam, gratefulness on his face at his dad's wide wisdom. "Come on small one, we need to head back home." the baby narwhal nodded in agreement as they made their ways to the surface for air. Shortly after getting a breath, a polar bear came into view. "Child, go home quickly." the father commanded his son. "What's happening-?" the smaller narwhal was pushed underwater, towards their enclosure. "Dad, wait!" he called out to his father. "Go!" that was his fathers last demand before enthralling the polar bear, fending the huge carnivor off. "Be safe.." the young narwhal whispered out before swimming to the safety of their cave. That was the last time he saw his father.

[2021-Creative Writing]

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