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 "Ok Zuko, let's try to figure out why you're having a hard time airbending." Aang begins as he hops off the back of Appa and slowly descends to the ground. "Hey Sokka, can you set up camp? I'm gonna give Zuko a new lesson in airbending."

"Yeah yeah sure, you two airheads get to go and play with the breeze and leaves while I do all the work." Sokka responds sarcastically, giving Aang the stink eye. Zuko merely grabs one of the bags on the back of Appa and slides down the bison's tail to the ground.

"It isn't that hard Sokka, besides Zuko already grabbed the tents, it's just the ropes and bedding left." Katara encourages before grabbing what's left of their food and water supplies and climbing down Appa.

"I thought what I was doing was already airbending. Why do you think I'm having a hard time with it?" Zuko questions as he sets down the rolled tents and follows Aang up a small hill to a clearing. "Is it because I keep sparking fire when I try it?"

"Yes. A little bit, but I think I know why that keeps happening, it should be an easy fix though. It starts with your movements and breathing. Air and Fire are linked, Fire can't burn without air and Air moves because of the heat of fire and the sun. It moves in circular movements around and through anything in its path. That's why the monks told me it is the element of freedom." Aang begins as he sits cross legged facing Zuko. "Airbending is from the breath first and then flows through your movements. You are trying to control and keep it from doing what it wants."

"My uncle said something similar about firebending. He said it comes from the breath and not the muscles, but I have to control fire. If not, it'll go out of control and burn everything." Zuko responds taking a seat in front of his airbending master.

"You can't treat airbending like it's firebending. Air naturally evades and moves out of the way of trees, land and even people. Even now we can feel the wind flowing through the trees and around us." The air nomad continues. "First things first. You need to relax, if you're tense you can't bend air as well. Let's start today with simple meditation." Aang begins by leading the meditation with Zuko. Closing his eyes and breathing in deeply.

Zuko copies Aang's lead and closes his eyes trying to focus on the air around him. Slowing his breathing and concentrating. Around the two the air starts to flow with their meditation and breathing. Sokka's tent he's trying to set up ends up falling over due to their unconscious airbending. "Ugh! Will you two jerks stop with the jerk bending and come help us! The least you could do is help us take stock of provisions." Zuko twitches his face in annoyance at Sokka's complaining.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll help!" Zuko yells abruptly standing and storming over to Sokka. Aang sighs seeing his pupil storm off towards Sokka.

"Finally. Here, go through the bags to see if we still have some smoked meat left." Sokka grins now that Zuko is helping and hands him a sack that feels so light it's practically empty.

"Sokka this thing is empty! There's only three nuts in here. Why are you wasting my time?" Zuko shouts, as he turns the bag onto the ground, 2 walnuts and a single almond fall out of the bag and onto the ground. "And theres a stupid rock in here!" During Zuko's tirade Momo flies over and steals one of the walnuts and skitters off towards a rock in the clearing. Momo raises the walnut with both hands and smacks it on the rock trying to crack it open. Suddenly a massive boom echoes through the woods alerting the other four.

"What was that?!" Sokka yells, turning to face Zuko and Aang who are just as shocked.

"Don't look at me! That wasn't either of us." Aang responds, out of the corner of his eye, Momo bounces the walnut on the rock again with no large boom happening. It's only when he does it a third time does the sound once again echo through the wood. Momo jumps back in fright and hisses at the walnut and flies off towards Appa for protection.

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