Wedding Between Tribes

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Nervously, Sokka goes through the bags of supplies that Team Avatar had gotten on their journey to the north pole. Most of the valuable things that Momo had stolen were sold in the surrounding towns but luckily for him there are a few trinkets left over that he can use. Today is the day that he is going to propose to Princess Yue, and tonight they're going to get married. Part of the traditions revolving around marriage and courtship in the water tribes is the trading of gifts, taking the bride to be on a hunting venture and tying a physical knot over their hands as a sign of their union. The affair is private, just between the immediate family and inner circle of those to get married and there are gifts from the family and friends given to the bride and groom. The gifts Sokka is eagerly looking for are going to Yue's family as a part of the tradition and something of equal value will be gifted back to him in exchange. Zuko watches Sokka tear around the room looking for the different odds and ends in the random bags.

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" Zuko asks as Sokka empties another bag before sorting through its contents. "There a reason why you're tearing through our stuff like Aang creating a tornado in here?"

"It's a tradition thing Zuko, I have to give Chief Arnook a gift before proposing to Yue. I'm sure the firenation has traditions that have to do with marriage. It's kind of the biggest deal I've ever had in my entire life. So I'm a bit stressed." Sokka snaps back as he continues to sift through their belongings.

"And it has to be something valuable too, right? Since she's royalty it's gonna be expected." Zuko says now understanding the depth of Sokka's situation. "Well, we still have some fairly valuable things from the whole cleptomania Momo incident when you and Katara were sick. Would any of that work?"

"Honestly, I was thinking of giving them all of it."

"That might be a bit over the top. Do we still have that crown?" Zuko asks, "The one with the two dragons on it that Katara was wearing after I got back." Sokka stares at Zuko for a moment then immediately runs to the other side of the room grabbing the gold and jade crown from the chest in the corner.

"Zuko you're a genius, thanks bro that's more than enough!" Sokka shouts as he runs out of their little longhouse leaving the door open on the way out. Zuko just shrugs seeing Sokka's departure then goes back to steeping his tea.

Excitedly, Sokka rushes along the icy path towards the chief's long house to uphold his part of the tradition. It's only been a few days since Chief Arnook had announced Yue's disengagement to Hahn and the new arrangement to Sokka and today they're finally going to get everything finished so their wedding can begin. Yesterday, Sokka and Pakku finished the engagement necklace that Sokka is going to give Yue, almost being an exact replica of the original one that he gave back to Katara through Aang. This caused Katara to blush but when she saw her brother laughing at this innocent gesture from Aang, who had no idea what it meant, she wasn't too pleased. Just in front of the chief's palace, Pakku is training his morning class of students with Princess Yue and Katara sparring with each other off to the side of the rest of the group. As Katara returns a large ball of water back to Yue, the appearance of her brother heading up the stairs catches her eye. Noticing this from her sparring partner, Yue turns and watches Sokka head up the stairs and into the main palace itself.

"Looks like todays the day." Katara says, causing Yue to stare up at the palace where Sokka had walked in, she blushes slightly knowing that before long the two are going to be together. "Do I have to call you big sister Yue now?"

"If you want to." Yue responds as both girls start laughing to themselves, but quickly stop when Pakku sends a scowl their way.

As Sokka enters the chief's long house, Arnook himself is standing in the forefront waiting for his arrival. "Morning Sokka, I'm glad you've gotten here early today. We have a lot to discuss." Arnook begins as Sokka approaches the taller man. "What do you have here?" he asks, seeing the crown held in Sokka's hands.

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