Cold Blooded

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The clicking of metal boots echoes through the empty hallway as the firenation princess walks towards the throne room. The two imperial firebenders that flank the door bow to her as she approaches and only rise again as she passes them and enters the throne room. The familiar intimidating rush of heat causes a feeling of anxiety to rush over her body as she walks into the amber lit room. The silhouette of her father watches as she approaches his throne then kneels in front of him. "I have a task for you, Princess Azula." The dark voice of the firelord breaks the silence between the two. "Those foolish sages lied to us, lied to you and now I know the full truth. I know why you have been unable to produce anything when being trained by the earth kingdom slaves nor the scrolls from the air nomads." Her amber eyes widen as the feeling of fear intensifies as her father stands from his throne and approaches her. "You are not the avatar." Ozai says as he comes to a stop in front of her.

"I'm s-sorry father I..." She says, trying to come up with any sort of explanation however Ozai places a hand on her head.

"Shhh..." Ozai shushes her. "The fault is not your own, but merely the order of your birth."

"You don't mean..." She says as she looks up to meet his eye.

"Yes, your brother, Zuko is the avatar." Ozai says calmly, the news hits her as hard as a boulder as her blood runs cold in her veins. Of course it was him, the first born, the heir to her throne. "I fear I have made a mistake, sending him off on that journey after forcing the sages to lie to him. I had thought that he would be gone forever but fate has had other plans."

"What do you need me to do?" Azula asks as Ozai starts to walk around the room.

"My traitor brother Iroh has brainwashed him against us, he's actively fighting against the firenation now. Admiral Zhao's invasion force at the north pole was completely decimated by the avatar. 100,000 men, only 5,000 survivors. From what the survivors have told me, the avatar took the form of a sea dragon in order to annihilate our soldiers and protect those water savages in the north." Ozai turns his back to Azula as he walks back up to his throne. "You are either going to bring him to me so we can reeducate him or you are to kill him."

"What if I manage to bring him back?" Azula asks, causing Ozai to stop in his tracks before turning to face her once again.

"Don't worry, daughter. Your position on this throne is cemented, you will be my successor when the time comes. The avatar will serve us, and then he will die. If he doesn't, then you will do what must be done." Azula swallows the fear that's been building and stands before bowing to her father and leaving the room. "Bring glory to the firenation my daughter, and come home with honor."

As she exits the room, the fear begins to subside but she doesn't let it show until she gets past the imperial guards and rounds the corner. Once far enough away, she gasps for breath holding a hand to her chest. Just being in the presence of her father almost gives her an anxiety attack each and every time she's in front of him. After taking a few moments to regain her composure, she has to get everything in order to track down her uncle and her brother. She takes a deep breath and seals herself before standing upright and marching down the long hallway. Large tapestries of her forefathers hang high above in the rafters and reflect off the mirrored floors, looming over her as she walks towards her room. "Azula." A soft motherly voice echoes from behind her causing her to stop in her tracks. She recognised the voice instantly, the voice of her mother. "Azula. Take care of your brother. He needs you now more than ever." The memory of Ursa echoes the last thing she ever told Azula on the night that she vanished. "I love you more than you could ever know."

"How could you love a monster?" Azula answers the voice before walking down the hall at an accelerated pace. As she passes one of the large mirrors on the wall she sees Ursa staring at her with tears running down her face.

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