Chapter 19

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Kiyoko POV:

After the tearful reunion with Kenya, we went back to Satoru's room. I sat quietly as the guys talked. They included me too, asking what it was like being a detective and everything. Once visiting hours were over, the three of us left Satoru and went to check out at the visitor's desk. I brought up the prospect of us all getting some dinner to further catch up. Kenya quickly agreed to the offer.

"Actually, I'd better go home and see how Kayo and Mirai are doing" Hiromi said. 

"Wait, Kayo?" I didn't know she moved back here. And who was Mirai?

"Yeah, she moved back a few years after you left. We're actually married now and have a son named Mirai" replied Hiromi with a shy blush. 

"Wow, I'm gonna be honest here. I actually didn't expect that. I'm still really happy for you guys though" I replied

"Trust me, no one was expecting it" replied Kenya. 

"It felt weird when we started dating, almost like we were betraying Satoru" Hiromi had a bit of a solemn look on his face. I'm taking a wild guess that Satoru doesn't know yet.

I quickly took out my pen and notepad from my purse and scribbled down my phone number on it. I tore the paper off the pad and handed it to Hiromi. He looked at it confused.

"That's my number. Tell Kayo I'd like to meetup soon so she and I can talk" he smiled and agreed. 

Kenya and I waved him goodbye as he entered his car and drove off. Now it was just the two of us. While we did make up, it was still kind of awkward. 

"So, are we driving separately or what?" he asked.

"I actually took a cab because I don't have a car so you driving there would be preferred" I stated.

"Alright, let's go" I quickly followed Kenya to his car. 

We exited the hospital parking lot and drove along the road. There have been quite a few changes as I can see as we drove. It was pretty quiet during the car ride. I could decide if it was the comfertable type of silence or not. We eventually pulled up to a small restaurant. 


Although awkward at first, we both soon turned into a laughing fit after a couple of drinks. We weren't drunk, mind you, just loosened up thanks to the alcohol. We were telling funny stories to each other and talking about our jobs. 

"Hey, how's your dad doing?" he asked. I paused for a minute.

I never forgave my father for ripping me away from my new friends. I had basically moved out as soon as I finished high school and went to college. I lived in a dorm with one other girl during college. I haven't contacted him either in all that time. After all the stuff that happened in middle school, I never felt completely comfortable around him. 

"I haven't talked to him for a while. After we moved, I didn't really get along with my dad. I was just so pissed at him for making us move" I admitted. 

"Hm, I understand that. In all honesty, I was pissed at him too for taking you away from me" he replied with a teasing smirk.

Uhhh, where is this going? And what's with that face?!

"Uh, what are you talking about?"

"*sigh* Well, might as well say this while I have some confidence. I had a small crush on you back when we were kids. I didn't say anything since we were only 11 and I figured we had a while together as friends before saying anything. After you left, I was mad that we were robbed of that time together. I tried to get rid of those feelings, not knowing if I'd ever see you again. When I saw you enter that room, all my emotions came flooding back" he confessed, staring at me with a small blush on his face.

"Where are you going with this?" I asked. I actually knew where this was going, I wasn't stupid. I just needed to hear it from him.

"I guess what I'm saying is, do you want to try going on a date at some point and see where it goes?" he asked shyly. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot" 

A/N: Well, there we go. The romance has begun. I'm going to see if I can finish this story sometime this week. I wanted to get a chapter up today. So hope you enjoyed. Tata dearies~


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