Chapter 2

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3rd person

It was now September, meaning that school was starting for kids, meaning Kiyoko would be starting her first year of public school. Having no social experience, she was excited and nervous at the same time. 

The night before the first day of school, Kiyoko picked out her outfit for the school day. Since the school did not have a set uniform, she decided on a light blue skirt that reached her knees and a light pink top that had ruffles across the chest area. She picked some white sneakers to wear on her feet to make it easier to run around with other kids at recess. 

When it was time for bed, her father came in and wished her goodnight as usual. Kiyoko didn't sleep well that night out of nerves. Her mind flooded with insecurities.

'Will the other kids be nice? What if I'm too shy to talk to anyone? Will anyone even like me or will they see me as an outsider since these guys have probably known each other since at least 1st grade' 

"*sigh* Maybe asking dad to go to school was a bad idea. Well, no going back now. I'll just try to get some sleep and face my fears in the morning" she whispered to herself, knowing that it'd be bad if she was tired on her first day of school.

*Time skip to morning brought to you by Kiyoko's anxieties*

Kiyoko was woken by her alarm at 6 in the morning. Since her dad was a teacher, he had to be there early to get his lessons ready. She quickly hopped out of bed and into the shower so she could be ready before her dad woke up, he normally woke up around 6:30 to shower then have breakfast.

After she got showered and dressed, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast while her father showered. She ended up making bacon, toast, and pancakes. As she put out the plates, her father came and sat at the table.

After they ate, they went out to the car and drove to school, with Kiyoko being extremely nervous. As usual, her father sensed this. He reached over to the passenger seat with his left hand (because in the anime, his car's steering wheel was the opposite side of normal cars, at least normal where I live) and patted her head.

"Don't worry, you're going to be fine, and if anyone messes with you, just come tell me. Also, remember, boys have cooties, so stay away from them" he said reassuringly. She smiled up at him and nodded. 

"But what if I get along better with boys?" she asked teasingly.

"Then I guess I can't stop you. Either way, I'll just be happy that you have friends" he replied while smiling down at her. She just gave him a bright smile back.

They eventually came up to the school and Gaku Yashiro parked in his assigned spot. Both of them got out and headed to his classroom. As suspected, it was empty of kids since there was about and hour or so before school was in session.

Kiyoko went to sit in her assigned seat according to her father's seating chart. She was supposed to have a seatmate named Kayo Hinazuki.

'Dad rigged it so I sat next to a girl didn't he?' Kiyoko thought to herself while sighing at her father's over protectiveness. She put her bag down next to her chair and sat down. She took out a book to read called 'I am Princess X'. (This book is so good. Suspense, mystery, it's just great)

As she read, the classroom started to slowly fill with students, which caused Kiyoko to bury her nose deeper into her book out of anxiety.

'Dang it, if I knew I developed social anxiety from being cooped up in my house for my whole life, I would have thought twice about joining school' she thought while looking around the room. Her eyes met the familiar reddish-brown eyes of her father, who looked at her gently, as if saying 'It's going to be fine'. Kiyoko slowly relaxed and took a couple breaths to regulate her pounding heart.

That calmness instantly dispersed as a girl with short, brown hair and brown eyes sat next to her.

'This must be my seatmate. She looks kinda, ugh, I can't think of the exact word. Displeased, un-interested with life?' thought Kiyoko while glancing at Kayo from the edge of her book.

Once the classroom seemed full with students, the bell rang, and on instinct, every student went to their assigned seat. Kiyoko marked her page and placed the book back in her bag and started to pay attention to her father for whatever he had planed for the class.

"Alright class, welcome to the first day of 5th grade. I hope you all had a good summer. I don't have much learning material for the seeing as it's only the first day, but I do want you to get to know your classmates, especially your seat partner since you'll be with them for quite a while, so it's imperative that you get along. Now, go mingle everyone" he said. And just like that, everyone went off to either their friends from previous years or to someone new. Kiyoko looked at her seat partner to see what she did. She, did nothing. Just sat there.

'Doesn't she have friends? Hey, maybe she's like me and has never gone to school before' thought Kiyoko. She thought she would make the first move.

"Um, hi. I'm Kiyoko, it's nice to meet you" said Kiyoko nervously while holding her hand out to shake. Kayo just looked at her hand in surprise before grasping it.

"Kayo" she said monotonously.

And thus, started the beginnings of a friendship, most likely the first for both of them.

(A/N): Hi everyone! I came on Wattpad to write today and noticed that this story is already 3rd in the 'erased' category, out of 157 other stories! Just wow! I did not expect that! I'm still not sure how this works and if people vote for it. If that is how it works then, thank you so much guys! :D Guess I have to keep up this story in able to keep that or get higher in rankings ;). Anyway, till next time guys!

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