Chapter 16

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A/N: *grabs tea and sits at laptop before cracking knuckles* Ok let's get started on this promise I made myself. 

Kiyoko POV:

After a LOT of begging, the guys agreed to let me come to their secret hideout. We had to make a pitstop on the way though. According to Kenya, Satoru wasn't done being a superhero yet and was trying to befriend a girl who went to a different school.

Me, Satoru, Hiromi, and Kenya walked up to a girl who was reading by herself. We all introduced ourselves.

"Have we met before?" she asked us, not really pleased about being bothered. Can't blame her, we are a group of strangers who decided to approach her.

"You're Aya Nakanishi. I hear you're good at piano" Satoru- have you been stalking this girl? She looks even more displeased now. 

"Yeah, I guess. So, did we meet in piano class?" she asked confusedly. 

"Well, actually, no" ok, so he is stalking her.

"So, anyway, what are you reading?" Kenya asked. Aya held up the book to show she was reading Shakespeare's 'King Lear'.

"King Lear? I've only read 'Romeo and Juliet'" well, Kenya is intimidated now. He's sweating bullets.

"Wait, now I know where I've seen you before! You're the boys always sneaking into that old building, aren't you?!" she exclaimed while pointing at an abandoned building. 

"Darn it, so much for having a secret hideout" replied Satoru. Ah, so that's the hideout I've heard about.

"Hideout? That's so childish" ok, now that's just rude. Kenya seemed to be really offended. From observations, Kenya likes to be the smartest and most mature of the group. So, this girl is basically giving a sucker punch to his pride. 

"You shouldn't call it childish" Satoru held an arm in front of Kenya, though I'm not sure why since Kenya would probably not hurt a girl. Soon we had to hold Satoru back because she made fun of superheroes. Ah geez. 

"You know, Aya, people who call other people childish are probably trying to act more mature than they are. Besides, what's wrong with having a secret hideout or playing superheroes? We're still kids, might as well have fun while we still have the time to actually be a kid" I said, standing up for my friends. She just looked at me like I had dishonored her whole family.

(A/N: Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow! Sorry, had to do the Mulan reference) 

"Whatever. Nice meeting you, but I have to go now" she scoffed before starting to walk away. That pompous little- 

My thoughts were interrupted by Kazu popping out and saying something about hideouts being macho. That freaked Aya out causing her to run off saying that we were weird. I take that as a compliment though since normal is boring. It was kind of silent for a bit before Kenya spoke.

"She's childish" he pouted. Kenya, always having to get the last word in. I agree though.

*Time skip*

After yesterday, I confronted Aya myself after telling the guys I'd join them later. I told her that she could come to the hideout and at least give it a chance. It didn't take a lot of begging thought.

"Fine, I was considering going over anyway" I smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her with me to the hideout. Aya slammed the door to the hideout open. 

Aya ended up hanging out with us for a while until it was time for us all to go home. From my observations, it seems Aya might have a little crush on Kazu. Feelings might be reciprocated as well. This will be fun.

*Time skip again brought to you by flustered Kenya*

Aya has been hanging out with us for the past several days. She and Kazu have been spending a lot of time together. I wish Kayo was here though, she would have loved the hideout. While we don't do anything different then we would at the Children's Center, it's fun having our own space that we don't have to share. Everything seems so happy and peaceful. Maybe- I can finally relax and not worry about anything. 

I mean, I haven't had any weird dreams since the one about my dad. Maybe that's all it was, a stupid dream. It might be time to put it behind me and just enjoy being a kid. It won't be long before we start high school. So, for now, I'm just going to enjoy being with my friends and have fun.

Speaking of friends, Kenya and I have been really close. If I'm being honest, I might have feelings for him. I don't want to say anything though since we're so young and I don't want to make it awkward between us.

Since my dad was taking the class to see the hockey game between our school and another, I decided to just go home. After we all said goodbye to Satoru (who was going to the game to keep an eye on Misato), Kenya walked me home like normal.

(A/N: Well, we're in the home stretch people. We're nearing the end of the anime, which means near the end of the book)

"So, do you think Satoru will be able to get through to Misato?" Kenya asked as we walked.

"I'm not sure. Satoru has a talent for making friends, but Misato was never that nice to people. If she is a target for a murderer, then I hope he can help. I'm still mad at her for that lunch money stunt, but that doesn't mean she deserves to die" I replied, staring at my feet. 

"You make a good point. Hey, Kiyoko, random question, but what do you want to be when you're older?" he asked while staring at the sky. I too turned to the sky.

"Hmm, a detective maybe. I'm pretty observant. I could tell Aya and Kazu had a thing for each other pretty early on. I can also tell that you don't like being referred to as childish since you seem to like being the mature and smart one of the group" I replied, giving him a sly smile. That flustered him.

"Hehe, I guess you got me" he rubbed the back of his neck, giving me a sheepish look. I giggled.

"What about you, Kenya?" I asked. He thought about it for a second.

"I guess, maybe somewhere in law. Maybe a lawyer" he responded, not fully sure.

"Hey, maybe we'll work together a little bit! I mean, detectives have to take the stand with their evidence in court" I said. 

"Yeah, I guess. I'll have to try not to be biased against you then when asking questions"

We joked the rest of the way until we reached my house. I bid Kenya goodbye, saying I'd see him tomorrow.

Oh how wrong I was

A/N: You know, since I left it off at this kind of cliffhanger and I already have plans for what happens in the next chapter, I'll either update again today or tomorrow. I'll see you next chapter my dearies~


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