Chapter 14

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Kiyoko POV

"Next time phone me before you come home in the late hours of the night. Do you have any idea how worried I was?" my dad was pacing the living room as I sat on the couch. I didn't feel guilty about this, my friend was in trouble and I helped. So instead of hanging my head in shame, my eyes followed him while keeping a calm expression on my face.

"Yes dad. Sorry for making you worry" I replied, not really meaning it since I still don't trust him.

"*sigh* Since this is your first offense, you won't get punished. (A/N: You people better not be thinking what I think you're thinking) Next time you won't be so lucky, though hopefully there won't be a next time, right?" he asked, giving me a look. I nodded. Thinking that was the end of the discussion, I slid off the couch to go get ready for bed when he stopped me.

"One more thing, Mrs. Fujinuma called. She explained to me about the Kayo situation" I paused. She told him? Uh oh, I hope this won't turn out badly.

"S-she did?" I kept my back turned to him, not wanting to show him I was nervous.

"Yeah, apparently you and a few friends were keeping her hidden from her mom. That true?" I could feel his steely gaze fixated on the back of my head.

"Yes. Got a problem?" WHY DID MY SASS COME OUT JUST NOW?!

"Yes and no. I'm glad you're trying to help Kayo but tell me next time" he said. Yeah, like that'll happen.

"So, will you help?" I asked, glancing back at him. He nodded with a gentle smile.

"I'm planning on calling CPS and having them meet us tomorrow at Kayo's house to possibly catch her mom in the act" he said.

"That's good" I said with a smile.

"Alright, now that that's settled, off to bed with you. We've got a big day tomorrow" I nodded and went to bed. Except, I couldn't sleep, dreading what tomorrow may bring.

*timeskip to early the next morning*

When we finally reached Kayo's house with CPS, we were just in time to stop her mother from doing to much damage to the Fujinumas and Kayo. I stood between Satoru and my dad as we watched it play out. She tried dragging Kayo off to talk to the cops. Before I could go and stop her myself, dad brought over Ms. Hinazuki's mother.

I'll just sum up that there were a lot of tears and sad backstory. I stood near Kayo while the whole thing happened. I'm not sure if Kayo's mother felt bad about the whole thing or not, it's hard to tell sometimes. I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt but with years of abuse towards my friend, it's hard to feel bad.

(A/N: So I was watching through the part of Satoru wondering is his dad was anything like Mr. Yashiro and I'm here thinking "Let's hope not")

Before I knew it, it was time to say goodbye to Kayo.... possibly for forever. Who knows if she'll visit or not. She might want to leave everything behind. I would if I was in her position. She spoke to Satoru before she got into my dad's car. I would say my goodbye's to her when we reached her grandmother's home. After we were in the car, my dad started it up and we began our trip to Kayo's new home. I could see Satoru running behind the car for a minute from the rearview mirror before we got to far away. Kayo stared at him from the back seat, fully turned around until he was out of sight.

We chatted on the way there. I was so glad she would be free from that hell. She'll get to live a hopefully long life with happiness. I hope I can see that. Maybe now I can stop worrying about dad potentially killing Kayo and me. maybe it was just a stupid nightmare after all. Maybe now.....

I can be at peace

A/N: I'm gonna leave it there for the time being. But I finally updated! Sorry it took so long. I was getting used to not worrying about due dates that I didn't make time for this book. Maybe I can finish it this summer. Oh, by the way, here's a picture of my cap that I decorated for graduation. I like how it turned out. Glad it didn't hit anyone in the head when I tossed it though. Someone's cap it me though. It hurt. Well, until next chapter dearies~



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