Chapter 11

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Kiyoko POV:

'No. This.... this is like my dream. What's happening?'  I thought as we celebrated Kayo and Satoru's birthday. I'll keep acting happy though. If Kayo ends up missing tomorrow, I'm going to the police about my dad. Wait, that wouldn't work. I don't have any evidence. I guess I could follow again but.......

*flashback to dream*

"I really hate to do this to you dear, but I can't trust you not to go off and tell everyone. It's funny, when I took you in after someone left you on my doorstep, I knew then and there that I wanted to keep you safe and protected. Now here we are, at the end of our father-daughter relationship. All because you had to go sticking your nose into things that don't concern you" he walked over to me with the poison filled syringe. He crouched down to my level and stuck it into my arm, pushing his finger down on the plunger to inject the substance into me.

*flashback end*

I would just have to be extra care-

"Darn it, I left something at school" Satoru started to leave with his coat and jacket.

"Can't it wait?" called Mrs. Fujinuma. (A/N: I always feel tempted to write Fujioka and then remember that this isn't Host Club. Also, I'm writing this chapter off memory right now so I may edit this later after the story is done.)

It was too late, he was already out the door and off into the night. Now this was different then my dream. Satoru went to walk Kayo home while we all cleaned up in my dream. Hopefully everything else from here on out doesn't end up as badly like that nightmare my brain thought up. 

We all sat around and laughed when Kenya left as well, probably to check on Satoru. He told us he would be back later and that he would walk me home when he did. I nodded as we saw him off. It was pretty chill until Mrs. Fujinuma asked a very embarrassing question.

"So Kiyoko, do you like Kenya?" her voice practically gave away that she was smirking slightly. Everyone looked at me, curious for my answer as well.

"Ummm, I mean he's very nice to me. He was one of the first friends I ever got since I started school, besides Kayo of course" I replied while looking down at my hands in my lap. I never really gave it much thought. Before him, the only other male I've talked to is my dad and the occasional doctor when I got shots and check-ups. 

Kenya makes me feel some sort of way. I can't explain it but I feel more happy around him then I do with the others. Is this what a crush feels like? I've never had one before. It's weird.... but in a good way, I think.

"I'll take that as a yes" said Mrs. Fujinuma with a smirk. I bet my face was as red as a strawberry. I remained silent as she and and everyone else chuckled. Lord strike me down before I die of embarrassment. 

Satoru came back, but Kenya didn't. I wonder where he went. I sat at the table until Satoru caught my attention.

"Kiyoko, Kenya had to go home early so he asked me to walk you home, is that ok?" he asked. I looked shocked. I nodded none-the-less and put on my winter gear. The others said they would clean up while Satoru walked us home. We were half-way to Kayo's house when another shocking question came up for the 2nd time tonight.

"Kayo, can I kidnap you?"

'Satoru, you ok? Did you hit your head?' I thought as we all paused. 

"You're an idiot" Kayo replied bluntly. I just looked at the two of them while having a slight aneurism. The heck was I witnessing?

"Yeah, but that's the best I could come up with" he replied.

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