Chapter 15

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A/N: First of all, I apologize for not updating these past few months. I just haven't felt super motivated. Since I want to finish this book, I'm going to attempt (I won't make promises cuz we all know me and my procrastination) to update once a week. Second of all, do any of you know the game 'Sally Face'? I got it back in December and basically played through the whole game within 48 hours. Now I'm heading towards completion. Ya know, get all the achievements and stuff. Anyway, would y'all want a Sally Face fanfic cuz I have been wanting to write one. I will finish this book first though so don't worry. Anyway, onto the story y'all have been so patient for!

Kiyoko's POV:

It's been several days since Kayo left. Out of the friend group, Satoru and I have taken it the hardest. That's right, I'm part of Kenya and Satoru's friend group. The whole Kayo situation has gotten us all closer. It's a little weird being the only girl in the group but I'll get used to it. Honestly, it's a little weird being in a friend group in general. Anyway, back to me and Satoru being miserable without Kayo!

"Are they ok? They've been like this ever since Kayo left!" Osamu has been very concerned at the fact that we are face down at our desks. I actually might have to resort to lying on the floor instead since my nose hurts from being pressed against the hard wood.

"Nah, they're in hibernation mode. Being a superhero takes a lot out of a person" Kazu replied.

"Satoru, Kiyoko, you guys ok?" asked Hitomi in concern.

"Yeah, great" Satoru replied. I decided to mute their conversation and go to my thoughts. I still have that weird nightmare on my mind. I just feel like this isn't the end of our problems. It might be for Kayo but not for our little group. 

My dad had informed me the other day about Kayo's situation. Her grandmother had gotten full custody. Her mom isn't allowed to her yet, which is good. That woman needs therapy and anger management classes before she can see Kayo again in my opinion. My thoughts were interrupted by a nudge to my shoulder. I looked up to see Kenya.

"Come on, it's time to get going. We don't want to be here when they lock up the school" oh, I guess it's been a while. I looked around to see that Kenya was the only person in the room with me.

"Oh, ok. I guess my dad's working late since he hasn't come in here yet" I replied while standing up and stretching my arms above my head. 

"Maybe. We should still go by the faculty room to let him know" I nodded in reply before grabbing my coat, hat, and mittens. After putting on my winter gear, Kenya handed me my backpack. I softly smiled and thanked him while taking my bag from him.

We stopped by the faculty room and letting my dad know that Kenya was walking me home, which he was fine with since he needed to take care of some stuff before heading home. We chatted along the way.

"So how are you doing since Kayo left?" he asked me.

"Honestly, not great. It feels weird without her here. We weren't friends for very long, but she was my first ever friend. I feel horrible because I wish she was still here but she's in a much better place now then she was with her mom" I replied while staring down at my feet as we walked along the sidewalk. 

"Hey," I looked up at Kenya as he grabbed my hand "Just because you want your friend to be here, doesn't mean you're a bad person. You just miss her. I'm sure Kayo wishes that you were with her too" he gave me a reassuring smile.

For the first time since Kayo left, I cried. I've been keeping all my emotions in because I didn't want to seem selfish about wanting my best friend back with me when I knew she was in danger being here. 

Kenya held me close in a hug while I cried, trying to calm me down a little bit. We stayed like that for a bit. I'm so happy about meeting everyone, especially Kenya. He just has so much patience for me with weird self. I hope we can always be friends.

*Time skip*

It was the next day and once again, dad had things to do. Instead of going straight home, I decided to hang out with the guys at the children's center. Satoru had to go do something so Kenya, Hiromi, and I made the trek to the center on our own. After a while, Satoru joined us. He and Hiromi played a board game, Kenya was reading, while I did homework. About 6:20, we left the center. Kenya, Hiromi, and I went home while Satoru went to go do Satoru things.

We first dropped Hiromi off and then Kenya proceeded to walk me home. After getting home, I said goodbye to Kenya and went to work on dinner for when my dad got back from running errands.

Satoru POV: (A/N: Ha! Weren't expecting that, were you! *maniacally laughs while munching on some peppermint bark* Mmmmm, peppermint bark)

Mom and I were currently in Mr. Yashiro's car since he was so nice to give us a lift home since mom went crazy with the groceries. I decided to ask a question that I've been wondering for a while.

"So, Mr. Yashiro. How come you're not married but still have Kiyoko as your daughter?" I asked. That seemed to have made him flustered.

"That came out of nowhere! Hm, it's like this. Getting married depends on finding the right partner. It depends on timing and whether they want to marry you and other things. Me, I already failed at it once and I guess I'm just being extra cautious" he replied.

(A/N: Hmm, did you fail at it cuz you're a MURDERING PSYCOPATH?!)

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." I felt bad for bringing it up now. 

"It's ok. It's all in the past now. As for Kiyoko, well she just turned up on my doorstep one night when she was an infant. I felt a connection to her, so I just decided to adopt her" I noticed his finger tapping the steering wheel as he spoke. Must be a nervous tick. 

*Time skip*

Kyoko POV:

It was the end of another school day. Satoru has been acting like Hiromi's bodyguard, which is a little weird but maybe that's how he's coping with Kayo living with her grandmother. Kenya is acting a bit like mine too, but I'm used to it.

Instead of going to the children's center like normal, the four of us (Me, Satoru, Kenya, and Hiromi) went to the old bus we stashed Kayo in. Satoru and Kenya were going super detective about it. I don't blame them though, there's something off about this whole thing. We were inspecting the shoeprints but there wasn't a tread mark. We deduced that the person wrapped their shoes in something so tread marks couldn't be traced to them. 

We proceeded to enter the bus for further investigation. A lot of the boxes and the backpack were missing. This guy was definitely covering their tracks. Very suspicious. Satoru was talking about how this guy could be a serial killer that targets kids. Before I could say that he was being paranoid, my brain halted.

'The dream. Dad killing Kayo and then me for witnessing it. Maybe it's more than a dream. Maybe a premonition' I thought as the boys talked. Satoru then said something that snapped me out of it.

"As for Kayo, the truth is it wasn't just because her mom beat her that I didn't want to leave her alone. I was also protecting her from the killer" we just stared at him wide-eyed in shock. We stood there in shock before Kenya spoke.

"Geez. It's so out there, it's like the plot to some detective story. But the real issue here isn't whether we believe in your theory or not. It's about whether we believe in you or not" Okay, well Kenya just made things serious. Though that is Kenya.

We all discussed it for a little longer before leaving. We were all in on this plan. We were going to see it through until the end.

*Time skip*

Satoru went to go walk Hiromi home while Kenya walked me home. It was silent for part of the walk. It wasn't awkward, we were both just wrapping our heads around everything we discovered earlier. I'm not sure what Kenya was thinking but all I knew was that I was going to keep a closer eye on my dad. After everything we talked about....

I wasn't going to trust him one bit.

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