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"Douma," I warned as I backed up in the changing room,I glanced down nervously at the small pocket knife that was caked with blood of our classmates,grasped in his hand.I clenched my fist."Douma I swear stop," I attempted to sound threatening but he saw straight through me but stopped in his tracks.His eyes were a light shade of pink layered by darker shades of pink,blood soaked his clothes,a smile plastered on his face.I knew he loved me a lot but I didn't think he would go so far as to murdering basically the entire school just to make sure there was no competition for my love.Once he stopped walk I did,my breathing was extremely uneven,my body shook violently as I tried to act as tough as I could in this situation.

"Aren't you happy with me love?" Those words,those god for saken words had me shocked.What the fuck did he mean?He looked so upset,his eyes turned to a shade of dark blue,signifying that he was upset,maybe on the verge of crying but that should be me who is about to cry not him!He actually looked genuinely upset with me."I did this all for you and you're mad me!" He whined,tears slipping down his tears and I honestly felt bad to him so I went to reach for him but then I remembered what he had done and retracted my hand.Then he started full on crying because I rethought my choice about comforting him,he glared at me."Why are you being so mean to me when I did all of this for you!?" He was clearly pissed off and if I don't do something this situation will most likely go south badly.

"Douma,please stop crying,I'm sorry ok?But you didn't have to do this for me,ok?" I took a few steep forwards and gave the best fake smile I could which doesn't seem to fool him.He looks at me with teary eyes,seemingly more pissed off at me.

"You never appreciate what I do for you," he sniffles and wipes away his tears with the somehow blood-less sleeve of his blazer.His eyes went back to the pinkish colour they were previously,his sickly smile came back and he started walking towards me again so I started walking backwards.Eventually,my back hit one of the changing lockers,Douma slamming his hand next to the side of my head."But it's fine!I'll just have to teach you how to appreciate what I do for,you'll learn to love me!" He was completely delusional but with the type of environment he grew up in this behaviour doesn't really surprise me,the surprising bit was the mass murders.I grabbed one of the baskets filled with clothes and different types of sports balls and chuck it at Douma before sprinting to the door but when I attempted to open it,it wouldn't work.He had locked it."Oh Akaza~ did you really think it would be that easy?" His sing-song voice rang out from behind me,I felt frozen with fear,he was standing right behind me and I hadn't even heard him talk over to me."Surely you know me better than that,I can't let you escape from me love," I gulped hard,an arm slipped around my waist and a hand covered my mouth,I panicked and tried to fight back.That didn't work obviously as I was slammed full force into the metal door,I was winded and started to cough,I was on the verge of crying at this point.I was terrified for my life,I knew he didn't want to hurt me let alone kill me but he would do what was 'necessary' to make me obey his every command.He held me close to his chest,almost lovingly but it didn't feel very loving to me.He put both of his arms around my waist and held me tightly,he must still be scared I would be able to escape but I felt to drained of energy to even try."Given up Akaza-chan?How cute~,I'm sorry that I did that but it was the only way to get you to calm down,"He turned me around in his arms and picked me up bridal style,ranting about how he would pick up all of my at a later date because we could be living together since I'm his 'lover'.

Jesus Christ what am I going to go through?

Devouring Lust|Yandere Douma x Akaza|DoukazaWhere stories live. Discover now