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That was the time when Akaza woke up,it was early and cold so when he realised he was laying on something that radiated hear snuggled into that heat source.As his vision came around he was laying on somebody's chest,he soon realised that it was Douma's chest he was laying on.

As much as his brain screamed at him to run,it was oddly comfortable like this.He felt...safe in the blond's arms.As much as he hated him for the things he's done he just feels so safe with him,especially in his arms.

Douma smiled in his sleep,tightening his grip slightly around the younger's waist.Even though he was fast asleep he could still feel the smaller male snuggle into his chest.


Time seemed to have flown past for the pinkette,slowly raising his head he only saw the pretty plain room of the basement/cellar.Was it always this fucking cold down here?Or maybe it was the lack of body heat.Wait...where was Douma?He was gone and he hadn't even realised!If the blond left then surely he would have known!He didn't doze off...did he?No he couldn't have!

No note.

No note was left to tell him where the rainbow eyed male was.He should feel happy but no,he felt nervous and panicked.This man had kidnapped him yet he still cared for him.God damn it,he was falling for his yandere kidnapper would has already stabbed him four fucking times.Maybe it was the fact that he was left alone,without any company.That had to be the reason...


What was surprising was the fact that the shackles weren't on.It was certainly odd and caught him off guard,expecting them to be unlocked would have been a far stretch but they actually were.Carefully and quietly,Akaza got off of the bed and walked over to the slightly ajar door that led to the first floor of the house.Surely the door was meant to be locked as well as closed to keep him down there.So finding it open was a huge alarm bells that something was wrong.It was so obvious now.


Something had been knocked over and crashed onto the wooden floor,without a second thought Akaza dashed to hide.He didn't want to be found if the person came down here.Was there an intruder?Just as he got his breathing under control somebody came rushing down the stairs,he shoved himself further behind the massive wardrobe.Whoever it was,didn't say anything but walked around,like they were looking for him.

"Love?" A voice called out.


It was Douma!Oh thank god,he shifted so he was half way out of his hiding space but then he stopped.No something was clearly wrong.This didn't feel right.

Another set of footsteps followed a few seconds later,it was another person."Well is he down here?" The person,whoever it was,snapped loudly.Why would this person be looking for him when he's done nothing?

"No,he would have come to me when I called out to him!" It was a surprise that Douma's voice was so strong in this situation,he could die in this situation.A few seconds of silence passed before any sound was made,it was the unknown person running back up the stairs.When everything went silent,Akaza shuffled forward a little bit to see what was going on."Douma..." the blond's head snapped in his direction,now he looked more panicked and scared.He quickly shuffled over,crouching down to cup his hands in his face.Before doing anything else,he briefly pressed his lips against the younger's.He pulled back to speak.

"Look I don't have much time to explain so I'll do it very briefly!These people are after you for some god damn reason and they want to take you away.If you hear me calling to you even if I say something like 'it's safe to come out now' or 'they're gone now'.Don't fucking move.When they leave I'll come find you here!"

Douma was scared which was so unusual,Akaza felt his stomach drop at the short understanding he was given.Something was happening and he wasn't allowed to move from his hiding spot."Douma...wh-what's going on?" He questioned but got no response from the blond who just quickly kissed him before get up and walking upstairs.


Akaza had fallen asleep for a long while,when he woken it was so confusing because he wasn't where he was originally.Instead he was in the bedroom he shared with Douma for a while,the door burst open and the said blond ran inside.He was crying,sobbing even.Without even thinking,the pinkette opened his arms and the older dashed into them,snuggling into his chest."I'm glad you're alright oh thank god!" He sobbed,slowly calming down and eventually passing out.Akaza was thankful it was peaceful in the house now,slowly falling asleep himself.

Devouring Lust|Yandere Douma x Akaza|DoukazaWhere stories live. Discover now