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Everything in his body hurt after a while,everything throbbed with strain,exhaustion and pain.God damn it how far had he run?How long had he been running?

Was that something he wanted to find out?

Probably not.

As he picked himself up,the glowing lights of a motel came into view!Oh thank god!He immediately ran across the road,which was thankfully empty,and entered through the front door of the reception.Pulling out his phone he saw something that turned his stomach drop.A single message from Douma.

I'm not going to be nice.

He couldn't heard the blond's voice but if he could he knew that the usual tone of happiness would be gone.Replaced with nothing but malice.But Douma wouldn't think that he'd stay so close to the house so he'd move further away.He was thankful for that.

He paid for his room and left the reception,hurriedly walking over to his room.Getting inside the room just before a black lambo drove past at a steady pace,the driver clearly scanning the area before moving on.

When he sat down on the bed to regain his proper thought process,a new message from Douma appeared on the screen.

You can't run from me,I'll always find you.

The tone of voice he got from these text messages made his heart sink and his blood freeze.He could only imagine the harshness of the voice if he ever heard those words coming from that bastards mouth.He could only imagine the pain he would he put through if he ever found himself in the arms of that man again.

Instead of replying to the messages he decided to block the number.Of course Douma would try to find some way around this situation but Akaza wasn't too bothered by this at the minute.

It was late.Nealry 11:15pm.

God Akaza needed a good rest with a nice shower tomorrow then he could finally start making his plans on how to get the fuck out of here.

Now he was soundlessly asleep.

It was 1:56am when he woke up,the phone buzzing madly.A message about a voice mail was seen so he clicked on it to see who it was.A unknown number.He clicked on play.

"Hello darling~ It upset me when I found out you had blocked my phone number but you were just trying to keep yourself safe,no?Anyways I thought I should just tell you one little thing..."

The voicemail stopped.

"You should always check if your door is locked," Akaza went to scream but a hand covered his mouth.Something stabbed into his neck.What the Fuck was he stabbed with?

"Oh darling~" Douma.God Damn it he'd barley gotten through 5 hours of freedom,probably not even that!"Im sure you'll sleep well!" He sounded so happy but the tone of voice was deep.Slowly his vision start blacking out,a overwhelming sense of fatigue rushing over him.Akaza fell asleep in his kidnapper's arms.

Akaza woke up,wrists bounded together with a thick piece of rope,ankles tied to the legs of a wooden chair.Douma was sat across from his,on a wooden chair himself only the back of the chair was being used as a rest for him.

Douma didn't look happy.

Without a moments wait,the blond was crouching down in front of him,knife pressed to the pinkette's thigh.Smiling in pleasure at the scared reaction he received.Tracing the knife further up until it reached his neck.That's when he spoke."You ran away and it really upset me darling," of course the sadness in his voice was merely just to cover the undeniable anger he felt burning in his stomach.Trancing the knife down to the pinkette's thigh,making the tip rest perfectly over one spot.Without a second of a warning,he slammed the knife down,the silver blade slicing through the flesh and meat of the other's legs.Akaza screamed out in pain,tear filling his honey yellow eyes.

His thigh burned with pain,why...why was this happening.Douma smiled as he covered the pinkette's mouth,picking up a prong collar and wrapping it around the pale neck.It cut into Akaza's neck and restricted his breathing.

"Naughty boys don't get nice treatment Akaza,".

Douma's voice was so cold and harsh,standing up and walking behind him.Yet again a sharp pain shot through his body,spreading through his nerves like a virus.A small dagger had been plunged into his shoulder blade,it made him cry out in pain."D-Douma please I'm sorry!I won't run away again I promise!" Akaza begged only to be met with yet again another blade digging into his body,this time it was sheathed in his upper arm,just barely missing the muscle.Now the prong collar was so tight he found himself gasping and coughing for air desperately.

The blond came into view,grabbing him by the cheeks and forcing him to look up into his own rainbow coloured eyes."I love you darling,I truly do love you but running away is just unacceptable," for a moment he looked almost sympathetic but that quickly changed as all three of the blades were ripped from his body.

"I'll be back in a bit my dear!I have business to attend to!"

With that Douma left.

Devouring Lust|Yandere Douma x Akaza|DoukazaWhere stories live. Discover now