16-TW!attempted suicide

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Akaza woke up in a fright,falling out of his bed in the hotel room and banging his head on the floor,letting out an audiable 'holy fucking shit' in pain.Going to check his phone,he was that it was dead.Well shit.He'd pay a charger if he didn't get home soon which he hoped he did.

"Mr.Soyama it's the police we need to speak to you," Holy.fucking.shit.

Akaza scrambled to get to the room door,taking the key out of the lock after turning it and throwing the door open.He has never been happier to see the police."Please come with us Mr.Soyama we need to question you," an old looking officer spoke calmly,placing a hand on the pinkette's shoulder as he led him down to the main lobby.On the way down he spoke to both of the policemen in the elevator and all the way to the lobby,not paying much attention to everybody around him.

"Akaza!" He snapped his head to see four people in front of him.His dad,his twin brother Hakuji,his sister-in-law Koyuki and his martial arts teacher Keizo.Without a moments hesitation,he tackled his brother into a hug,even crying into his shoulder.God he missed these four so much.

Keizo patted him on the back,pulling both of the Soyama twins into a tight hug.Koyuki smiled sweetly while wiping the tears from her eyes while being being held by Sano(not cannon name) Soyama as her illness made her weak on her legs.

"Apologies for ruining your family reunion but we need to question Akaza down at the station," one police officer said.They all agreed and the questioning only took about 25 minutes although Akaza got stuck on a few questions,well more like he didn't want to say the truth.

"Do you know who kidnapped you?"
"No sir..."

"Did this person ever physically hurt you?"

"Did this person ever do something to you that you didn't agree to?"

Why was he protecting Douma after everything he did?

Oh yeah he fucking fell in love with that psychopath.Somehow.

On the way back,Akaza had managed to get his phone fully charged in the car and was looking through the messages Douma had sent him.

Darling why did you leave?

Darling I'll find you eventually,you know that right? :)


Darling please answer me

Darling please answer me

Darling I'm sorry please just come back

He slightly felt bad for leaving since it clearly hurt Douma but then again he couldn't care less because of the pain and suffering when was with that man."Akaza are you okay?" Keizo questioned from the drivers seat,stopping at the red light and placing the back of his hand on top of the pinkette's forehead."I'm just tired...it's been a long day," Akaza muttered as he rested his head against the window,slowly drifting off to sleep.

When he woke up it was 2:34am just under half an hour until 3am.God his head hurt.Slowly getting out of the warmth of his bed,he trudged downstairs so he could get some Ibuprofen.It was kept in the kitchen and surprisingly his phone was on charge in there with more messages from Douma.None of them peaked his interest really until the last one which was sent two minutes earlier.

I'm really sorry for everything my love.You and this world would be better off without me.I hope you live a better life without me.

Shit,shit,shit.No,No,no this can not be happening.He went through all of his contacts on the phone app,saw Douma's name and clicked on it.Praying to god that he would pick up the call.A few minutes passed by and now he was off down the road to the nearest bus stop,stilling ringing the blond.

"Sorry but this person can't answer-"

Akaza logged onto to Snapchat so he could check where he was.Luckily he was close,on an abandoned bridge that was about 10 minutes away,5 or 6 minutes away if he sprinted and that's what he did.He ran like hell.Despite the screaming pain in his lungs or the stitches apparently he ran until he was half-way across the bridge and could see him.

"D-Douma!" Akaza yelled breathlessly,collapsing to his knees at the verge of tears due to the horrific pain that stabbed his side and lungs.This bridge had been used by trains close to 40 years ago but stopped due to the tracks becoming unstable.Douma was surprised to say the least,he didn't think the pinkette had gotten home yet he didn't move or look at him.Instead he looked down at the rushing river below.A fall from this height would kill him instantly,which was what he wanted.Shakily,Akaza rose to his feet and tried to step forward but his leg gave in and he almost fell again."Douma p-please step away f-from the edge," he pleaded through panted breaths,every muscle in his body hurt.Deep down he hated everything that the other had done to him yet he stilled loved him to the point where he couldn't take it if he died.Slowly regaining his strength,he took small steps forward as he spoke to the blond,desperately trying to talk him down from this idea of his.

"I hurt you...I...I hurt you a lot,kidnapped you and...tried to force you to love me," Douma spoke with a cracking voice,refusing to let tears slip from his eyes. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you,I-...I'm a monster you have every right  to hate me!" He cried,trembling and full on crying at this point.

Akaza slowly getting walked forward,holding his hand out to the older."Douma please...just take my hand and step away from the edge,you don't have to do this!" He begged,at this point he could reached out to grab the shirt that he is wearing but dragging him back?He couldn't be that strong,at least he didn't think and he didn't want to risk anything."Douma please don't I'm begging you just don't!" Now he was fully sobbing,almost falling to his knees again.This was so stressful and it made him light headed,he wanted to pass out and he nearly did."Dou...ma..." fatigue and being light headed made him sway,loosing his footing and falling backwards.

Before he hit the wooden planks,somebody caught him and held him close."Akaza!Akaza!Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you so stressed!" Douma sobbed which was unusual as he didn't cry often due to being 'emotionless' "I'm alright I think just don't do that again," Akaza muttered,laying his head on the blond's shoulder."Okay I promise my love," the blond sighed and held him close.He though the pinkette hated but apparently not.

Devouring Lust|Yandere Douma x Akaza|DoukazaWhere stories live. Discover now