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The halls were littered with dead bodies,walls,floors and the ceiling drenched in blood.I felt sick.I slowly felt my energy being regained but how far could I get if I managed to escape Douma's grasp.Would I be able to get to the police or even escape the school?

Without another thought,I slammed my heel in his knee and he dropped me,swearing as the pain in his knee throbbed,I shot up and sprinted like my life depends on it,and this point it might as well.I slipped a few times because of the blood but I thankfully didn't fall.I raced down the stairs then turned right,my lungs ached as I ran without stopping.

I finally took a break,leaning against the wall as I panted heavily.By now tears had forced their way past my pink eyelashes and where streaming down my face.I hate crying.Crying has no use here,in this situation.


I felt my heart drop to my stomach.Shit.He'd found my location so quickly.He didn't sound so far away,I quietly sneaked closer to the bend in the corridor,if I could slip down there undetected them I might be able to get out of here through the back down.Douma wasn't calling out for me anymore and I didn't hear his footsteps but he would certainly be in relatively the same area.I could feel the bend in the corridor,I shifted a little bit quicker so I could get round the bent and once I did I a full turn to look down the corridor.But I didn't see a corridor filled with the corpses of my dead classmates and other students and the crimson blood of theirs.I was met with something else.

I saw Douma,he wasn't far away but how did he get behind me?!He wouldn't have enough time to!

He clicked a button on a small tube he had placed in his hand and his voice chirped out from the same place I first heard it,the same words."A voice recorder," he placed the small device in his open bag after the recorder had stopped playing then started walking towards me,that same look in his eyes."Of course I knew you would pull something like this and I knew which way you would go so I set all of this up!" He was now right in front of me,I took a step back in fear,I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes again.He reached out and clutched my hand,despite the sticky blood it felt nice to hold his hand,just like we did before all of his happened.The tears fell.I didn't sob loudly,I didn't even make a noise but I just stood there crying silently.My mind was screaming at me to pull my hand away and run,find a phone to call the police but my body didn't want to."Douma please just let me go," I tugged my hand was I attempted to walk backwards but he held my hand in his with a fork grip."No,I'm sorry my love but I can't do that," he pulled he closer or at least tried to but he my feet held me in my place,I tugged even more harshly despite the burning pain."Akaza I don't want to get violent!Just stop resisting and everything will be alright," I held back tears as I gave in,well it was just an act.Get him to think I've given up then escape after injuring him,simple as that.He pulled me close to his chest,holding me closely and not as tight as I thought he would,it was loving,not even the type of loving hug I got from my dad,friends or brother made me want to melt like I did.I melted in his affection so loving and sweet,he brushed his fingernails over my arms,I gulped down and started thinking of how to escape him.I sniffled and it immediately caught his attention,he pushed me backwards slightly and cupped my cheeks,he looked so worried about me.I pretend to actually be upset so he started panicking,I could use this to my advantage.When he gazed his left hand over my left side I winced in pain,I wasn't really hurt there I just acted as if I was,this was going perfectly.He picked me up and ran towards the nearest open space which happened to be the lunch hall,he sat me down on one of the chairs."I'm going to go the first aid kit so just wait here until I get back!" And with that Douma was out of the and on his way to the medical office,this has all gone to plan.

I jumped off the set and ran the other direction,straight up the stairs,if I got to the room I could use the side ladder to get down into the teacher's parking lot then I could escape from there!Though luck really wasn't my side,Douma had locked the door to the roof!This bastard really thought of everything.I sunk to the ground,sitting on the steps.Why did this have to happen to me of all people?!

"Akaza where are you?!I told you not to move you're injured or was that just what you wanted me to believe so you could run?Love if I find you~ I won't be happy," the menacing tone in his voice made shivers run down my spine.But he continued talking,"But if you come to me now without a fuss then I promise I won't hurt you," I thought about my options.Go to him without a fight and be totally unharmed or let him find me then go through hell.I went with the first choice,I didn't want to get injured.I started walking down the stairs to the second floor where he was,"Douma I'm-" I stopped speaking as I fell down the stairs,my body throbbed with pain and I just knew that I definitely had cuts that were bleeding.I hit the second floor with a thud.I just barely opened my eyes before he was right by my side,lifting me up to his chest,careful not to touch any where I could have bruises or cuts."You weren't really injured in the first place were you?" I muttered a 'no I wasn't injured' for my reply as he picked me up bridal style,he kissed the top of my head before he started walking down the stairs.

"Looks like it's a good thing I did actually get the first aid kit," he muttered something under his breath before he continued talking to me."You shouldn't have lied to me love,I only want to keep you safe so things like this don't happen," he set me down in the same seat,crouching in front of me,I felt stupid.

It was stupid to run,stupid to lie because in the end I did actually get injured and now I was going to be lectured.

Douma was gentle while cleaning my cuts,of course I hissed in pain and moved my head to side but he was patient with me and my reactions.I was tired out of my mind so I didn't try to fight back when I picked up and being carried away,I just wanted to sleep peacefully for a good few hours.

"Sleepy darling?" I hummed lightly,he opened a car door and sat me down in the passenger chair then got into the divers seat.I fell asleep almost instantly,pulling my legs to my chest.

- - -

When I woke up,we were still driving but the soon was rising,I looked at the time on the radio.3:57am.I was to tired to care about what time it was or why we were still driving,I put I legs down from the seat and looked at the sun-rise."Mornin' love," I looked over Douma,it felt wrong to be called such names by him.

"Don't call me that," I say as I stare out of the passenger window,I yawn as I rest my head on my hand.He tried to touch my hand but I moved it,I wanted him to go away.

"You're going to haven to learn to obey what I say without a fight," He snapped at me,I saw veins appear on his lower arms,his grip on the wheel tightened.

We arrived at a large mansion looking house,is this where I'm going to be I'm living with Douma from now on?

Devouring Lust|Yandere Douma x Akaza|DoukazaWhere stories live. Discover now