Chapter 21

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Lawrence reached Brittney's house after 20 minutes of driving. Her door was locked even when he tried ringing the bell. He had tried to call her again and again but she wasn't answering. He called Ayden to find out if she had called him but she had not. He was now waiting for Ayden to come with an extra key. Apparently, Brittney had left one at her father's house in case she lost the one she had.

Ayden arrived after sometime and opened the door. They rushed to the house but there was nobody. They searched her apartment but there was no one there. The two men started to panic wondering where she was when Lawrence saw a letter that was addressed to him on the kitchen counter.

Dear Lawrence,

May be this morning was the last time that we will see each other for a long time, but I just needed to move away for some time. Maybe a week, two or some months, I don't know. You know how my child hood has been and I feel like it is my entire fault that my dad is in such a condition.

Maybe if I am away for some time things will be better. I am sorry baby, but I had to do this for my own sanity, and the good of others. I don't know when I will come back if I will be the same or different, but I have to do this.

Tell mum and dad that I love them so much and the few days I've known them I've felt loved. My dear brother Ayden. Tell him I know that he loves me and I know that he always looked out for me when I was young.

My dad, tell him that I am really sorry for putting him through all this and I love him so much. Ask him to forgive me.

I love you so much Lawrence that's why I have to do this and make sure that when I come back I am better for both of us.

Forgive me for hurting you my love but it has to be this way. I'll miss you.

Ps: Don't try looking for me because when I was in collage I once left for three months but I also came back when I was ready.

Love Britt.

"No! No! No!" Lawrence shouted while throwing the letter down. Ayden went and picked the letter and read it. His eyes welled with tears. How could Britt do such a reckless thing? He knew that she was feeling guilty by the way she was acting but he never thought she would run away.

He looked again at the letter to make sure it was her hand writing and indeed it was. Lawrence was still shaking his head trying to comprehend what was happening. Before he could speak to him, he got a call from the bank and listened to what the other person was saying with a frown. Lawrence also looked at him with curiosity knowing it was about Brittney.

"The bank called informing me that Brittney had withdrawn a huge amount of money, Ksh.1.1 million saying it was by our father's request, and because they are used to her doing such huge transactions in the bank, they didn't question it." Lawrence cursed and pulled his hair.

He went to her room to check her closet and found some of her clothes gone. That's when it really hit him that she was gone. He sat down on the floor and put the letter in his pocket. He had thought that she had maybe gone for a walk to clear her mind, but it was clear as day that she had gone, left him.

He did not realize that he was sobbing uncontrollably until Ayden came to sit beside him on the floor patting his shoulder for comfort. He was too sad but he was trying to be strong. While still there sitting in silence, Ayden's phone rang and it was his mother.

"Where are you, your father is awake."

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