Chapter 30 (Ayden's POV) One Year later

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I watched my sister as she laughed with our family members. I was happy that she was okay despite what my mother had done to her. I had never met anyone who had a golden heart as hers. She had forgiven dad for his short comings and also accepted me.

Today we had come to her house to celebrate her mile stone as a first time publisher. Yes, Brittney had written a book, coming out and telling people how she has struggled with anxiety and how she overcame it. She wrote it during her pregnancy.

Speaking of the baby, I heard my niece Gladys crying loudly. Brittney decided to name her after her late mother. She was only 3 months old and already was handful. Though she was a daddy's girl. Whenever Lawrence would hold her and rub her back soothingly, she would relax, and that is what he was doing right now. I wanted her to have the best life possible. But I knew something that was going to interrupt our lives soon. The storm was brewing and we had to prepare ourselves for it.

My mother had a lot of package and when she died, so many Pandora boxes were opened that were meant to have died along with her. So many dark secrets were going to be revealed that will again turn our family upside down.

Even in her death she was still in control. However, I was not going to let anything destroy the quiet and peace that we had established in the one year after her death. I was going to bury her secrets with her too, even if it meant for me to walk the dangerous path and get my hands dirty.

Brittney saw me looking at them and she walked to me with a smile. "What are you thinking brother?" she asked. I smiled back at her and only shrugged. If she knew the weight am carrying on my shoulder, she will want to fix everything and that will bring trouble to her door step.

"Nothing Britt, just admiring my beautiful niece." I said to divert her attention from me. She looked back at her husband and her baby and smiled. "Yes she is adorable and the best thing that has ever happened to me." She said. I chuckled and chugged the remaining whiskey that was in my glass. Brittney looked at me with confusion. "I know something is up and you are not telling me." She stated.

Britt was smart and I could not lie to her. "Of course I have issues, but they are mine to solve." I told her. She looked at me for a long time and seeing that I won't open up to her, she shook her head. "Whatever it is just know we are all here for you Ayden." She said softly looking me in the eyes and gave me a tight hug before Lawrence called her.

"I know Britt, but if you knew, it will bring danger to you." I whispered before placing my empty glass on the kitchen table and walked to the door. I took a final glance at my family and opened the door stepping out to the darkness where I belong.

Read more of Ayden's story in my New Book Darkest Secrets.

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