Chapter 7

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After leaving the restaurant, Lawrence had driven to the nearest club. He wanted to forget his worries and about the women in his life who only brought him pain and suffering. Joe was worried about his friend and did not want to see him suffer. If alcohol would help him forget so be it.

He had never seen his friend get affected by a girl except by Anne. Anne was manipulative and used him for his money and connections. They entered the club and Lawrence asked for the strongest drink in the house. Joe knew that he was the one to be responsible between them so that he may be able to help his drunk friend later.

After five shots of whatever the bar attendant had given him, Lawrence could feel his head was light but he could make sense of what was happening. He joined others on the dance floor and started dancing with girls he did not even know. Some were grinding on him and he was enjoying himself. He stumbled back to the bar and asked for another shot. He downed it at ones and asked for more. He could see Joe speaking to him but did not get what he was saying. He took another shot and he could feel his head pounding.

He remembered how Brittney had seemed surprised at seeing him there, and even she was hesitant to introduce the man next to her. His name was what a gain, oh yes Edward. The man had stared at him with an expression that said 'back off man'. His head continued pounding and he excused himself to go to the bathroom.

As he was leaving the bathroom, he suddenly stumbled into a person. "Could you look at where you are going?" An angry female voice said. Even drunk, he knew that voice. He steadied himself and looked at her beautiful face and whispered. "Brittney".


After Brittney and Edward had finished eating, Edward had suggested that they hit the club and she had no objection to that. She had planned to have fun and no one could stop her. It was around 6PM in the evening and he rode his new motorcycle that people couldn't stop to admire in the traffic. They had danced and drank more but she knew she should be responsible. She was a little tipsy but could make sense of what was going on. Suddenly a drunk guy spilled on her some alcohol. Edward was angry and was about to start a fight with him but she stopped him,

She excused herself and went to clean it off. Lucky for her, she was wearing Edwards's jacket and it covered the small stain that had remained on the shirt. While coming out of the bathroom, she bumped into another drunken man. Oh great, the night couldn't get any better. "Watch where you are going!" She said angrily as she tried to pass the man. Suddenly she stopped as she heard he name being said softly.

She turned around as she realized the drunk guy was Lawrence. She wondered what had caused him to drink to a stopper. Lawrence staggered to her and lay his head on the brick wall. She just stood there observing him. "We mee...t a..gain" He said stammering. He looked in her eyes and the next question made her confused. "Where is lover boy?"

Lawrence saw Brittney look at him in confusion. He knew she was acting ignorant but he had met many women like her. The alcohol had started to wear off and he wanted to tell her what he felt for he, but the words could not come out instead he made the situation worse without meaning to. "You know, you can pretend all you want, but I know your type. You act innocent but inside you are a pack of wolf in sheep clothing." He said looking directly in her eyes where he saw hurt but later was replaced with anger. There you go, show me your true colours. Lawrence thought. When she didn't say a word, he took one last look at her and said the words he did not mean at all. "I wish I had not met you" and walked away without looking back.


Hurt, angry, sad, confused and humiliated were all the emotions that Brittney felt after Lawrence had talked to her as if she was the dirt on earth. She had stayed on the corridor and saw him leave without turning back after saying those hurtful words.

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