Chapter 28

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The next few weeks, a lot had happened Brittney had moved close to Lawrence room and she was able to see him daily and talk to him. She had regained her strength and had started going for antenatal and maternity checkups. She had also consulted the doctor's concerning her passing out episodes because she did not want anything to happen to the baby.

When she was young, she used to have this episodes but they disappeared but they came back when she was kidnapped and when she thought that Lawrence was dead. The doctor's told her it was a kind of a defense mechanism for her when she was in pain or experiencing mental breakdown. However, they advised her to avoid stressful situations and keep seeing a psychiatrists.

Brittney did not want to go back and talk to her psychiatrists, but she knew it was the best for her and also the people who loved her. She had to come back to her normal self. She had also talked through things with her father, and had decided to start a new relationship. Though it was slow, but she was happy that she could freely talk to her dad and feel his love.

Ayden had taken over as the company's CEO and he was doing great. He also made time to come and visit her in the hospital where she was with Lawrence. She also learnt that her step mother, Agnes passed on while receiving treatment and she was buried a day before she woke up. Her younger sister Jane was sent to Europe to continue her studies and heal, but the day she was leaving, Brittney could see the hatred in her eyes and she knew things were not over yet. There was another storm coming.

Lawrence was still in a comma but he had been taken off the lifesaving machine and he could breathe on his own. The doctors had said it was a matter of time before he woke up.

The media had had a field day when they got all the news of what had happened to their family. Their story was plastered on every newspaper and business magazine and every TV station were talking about them. It was so bad that their stocks had gone down and some investors had pulled out of the company, but they were holding on and working harder than before.

Earlier that day, a journalist had passed through their security and taken some shots of them but they were lucky that Ayden had intercepted her and threatened to sue her if he saw any pictures of Brittney or Lawrence on any news outlet. They had added more security, and changed rooms, and Brittney was sitting on the chair next to Lawrence going through some work.

Suddenly she heard someone coughing and the heart monitor going loud. She looked at Lawrence and saw him trying to remove the oxygen mask from his nose. "Lawrence, are you okay?" She asked while she rushed to his side and paged the doctors.

She helped him remove the mask and held his head so he could breath well. After some time, she saw he was okay and she gently laid his head down on the pillow. The doctors rushed in and asked her to step aside so they could check on Lawrence. She waited patiently and also called the Jules who were on their way.

After some times, the lead doctor smiled at her. "Miss Brown, he is now okay. All he needs is lots of rest and time to heal and he will be as good as new." Brittney sighed a sigh of relief and thanked them as they went out. She looked at Lawrence who was already looking at her intensely and moved closer to him in slow steps.

She could not believe that he was here with her. Tears of joy were already in her eyes as she held his hand tightly. "I can't believe you are here with me. I've missed you so much." She whispered. Lawrence lifted his hand and held her face. "Am here my love. I've missed you as well." Brittney leaned close to Lawrence and hugged him from the side careful not to touch his bullet wounds.

She sobbed quietly as Lawrence rubbed her shoulder soothingly. "Everything is going to be alright." Lawrence assured her. Brittney was only able to nod her head and moved closer to him. After some time, she lifted her head to look at him. Lawrence held her face and gave her a lingering kiss just to assure her that he was there. Brittney held him tight and sighed in relief. They both closed their eyes as their foreheads touched.

"You brought me back love." Lawrence told her. Brittney looked at him in confusion. "I heard everything you used to tell me every day and I fought to come back to you and our baby." Brittney could not stop her tears of joy from falling. "Thank you for coming back to us, I don't know what I would do without you." She said in between sobs.

Right then, the door opened and in rushed Lawrence parents. His mother rushed to his side and hugged him while she sobbed. His father just stood at the door for some time before he came in. "Son, you are alright now." He said to himself but Lawrence heard him. "Yes father, am good. A bullet could not kill me." Lawrence joked.

Brittney slapped his arm lightly but everyone laughed. Brittney and Emma were a sobbing mess but they didn't care. They talked for some time until the nurses asked them to leave the room so that Lawrence could rest. 

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