A Pausing Brightness

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Clara was in the library, arranging the books that were returned. She still had a life outside of the Casita after all, she needed to work to support her grandfather and little brother.

The library was silent, peaceful even, and Clara relaxed under the quietness. She started returning the books to their original shelves.

Book after book, the light thuds from the book covers lightly hitting the wooden shelves, and the occasional chimes of the bells that indicated someone entering the building.

Those alone were the sounds heard in the library, frankly, making it rather tranquil.

A hand takes the last book she was supposed to return, Clara turning to the smirking Camilo who appeared next to her.

"Hermoso? What are you doing here?" Clara asked him, seeing him shrug as he returned the book in the shelf.

"Took a break from looking for Mirabel, since she's missing." Camilo promptly explained. Clara, who got this out of context, couldn't help her raise in voice. "Mirabel IS WHAT NOW?!"

A loud "Sshh" resounded from a different area of the library, Clara apologizing before turning to Camilo. "What happened?" she asked him, wanting the details.

The duo relocated to the tables by the window, seated across each other. Camilo was leaning on his chair as he talked while Clara was listening to him and fiddling with the books she was checking.

"Mirabel disappeared." Camilo started off. "So we've all been searching for her. Dolores, Luisa, and I went out after looking around the house. Not one clue where she is." He stated.

"The adults pretty much talked about the vision, Abuela was the one who made us search everywhere for Mirabel." Camilo sighed out.

Everything was a mess, his family, his magic, his home.

Clara furrowed her brows, "I see... Need any help in searching?" she asked him, offering.

Camilo simply shook his head, "No, we'll be fine. It's something between my family." He stated in response.

Clara heaved a sigh, "My family always helps yours... but you're right." She smiled his way.

"You can rest here for a bit, then I'd kick you out so that you can search for Mira again." She then drawled out as she refocused herself to her job.

Camilo hummed in agreement, idly drawing circles on the table with his finger as he rested. It was nice, having some time just to breath, especially with the few days of events that has been happening.

Camilo's eyes wandered, looking at the walls, the interior of the building, the few people in the area, out the window, before they settle looking at the figure before him.

Wavy black locks, sun-kissed skin, pretty brown eyes. He was so used to seeing such features, and the same features always catches his attention first.

The sunlight pools in from the window, the breeze softly blowing on their figures. Locks flutter lightly, but the long ends of the orange satin ribbon peeking from the girl's back is what Camilo looked at.

The one gift he gave her when they lost her late Abuela's ribbon. An orange satin ribbon that had tied her hair on her back. He remembered the sheepish but grateful smile she gave him all those years ago.

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