A Drop of Courage

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A lot had happened since Abuela Alma and Abuelo Marcelo scolded the Valdez son.

The Valdez's youngest got a bad reputation along with talks around the town. Marcelo moved houses, moving in a vacant house that was nearer to the library. And Felipe was not allowed to go near any Martinez family member ever since.

In Camilo's very honest opinion, life is great.

But now is not the time to celebrate the great things, like kicking a creep out of your best friend and crush's life. It was time for Camilo to take action.

Yes, it was a Friday. The scheduled day for Camilo to confess for the 7th time.

'Don't worry, I got this!' Camilo thought, taking a deep breath. He was still in town, helping out people. Ranging from watching over kids, shapeshifting into people to help out, and more.

He agreed to Antonio's suggestion to do it in the late afternoon, during sunset. "Because Teo said that he read it once in one of Clara's books!" his little brother explained with a smile.

Camilo had mentally thanked Mateo for telling Antonio as an extended wingman of some sort.

He had the whole scene ready too, the location and the bouquet was set there too, made by Isabela herself. Everything was ready!

And he's going to make it work! To hell if he can't make the number 7 his lucky number too.

Speaking of making it work...

'It's almost sunset.' Camilo noticed after helping the poor Señora Reyes take care of her energetic toddler twins. It was time to go, time to do this once and for all.

"I'll be going now, Señora!" Camilo waved his farewell and started sprinting off. If he was correct, Clara should be done with her storytelling by now.

And with a grin, he made his way to the fountains.


Clara was walking with a small group of kids. They were still in the thrill of the story she read to them and asked her a lot of questions.

"You think the Dragon and the Princess could have been friends instead?" The youngest of the group, little Sofia, asked the teen.

"Hmm, I don't know..." Clara said with a thinking expression. 

The story she read was about how a Prince met the Princess through shared dreams and the Prince saved the Damsel in Distress from the Dragon caging the Princess in the Abandoned Castle.

Gabriel lets out a gasp, "What if the Dragon was just forced to keep the Princess in the castle?" he asked with his imagination going wild.

"Like, he was asked to do it... But by who?"

"What if there was a bigger boss? Like a witch!"

Clara lets the chitchat go on, amused and chuckling over the creativity the children have.

The wind next to her shifts and a hand takes her own into a tight hold. With a flash of yellow, Clara was pulled to run and follow the sprinting figure holding her hand.

"Hey!" The kids all called out, exclaiming at the running figure. Clara only grinned though, the yellow ruana a dead giveaway on who it was.

"Sorry kids, I'm stealing Corazon over here!" Camilo called out, laughing at the complains, as he turned to his best friend with a big grin.

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