Two Sentence Horror Story (Fear #4)

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I think I'm crushing on someone... So I can't focus. I'll probably write something again in the future, but for now I hope this is fine.



I asked the genie why it suddenly became so dark after I made the wish to live forever.

He said that if I wanted to live forever, I would have to start from the very beginning.


I hate breaking hearts.

They don't produce the same satisfactory crunch that bones do.


Before I became suicidal and started cutting myself, I used to see glowing red lines around my wrists where the future cuts would be.

Now I have mixed feelings about the glowing red line that I see around my neck.


My heart sank as I watched the security footage that showed the person who killed (Y/N).

I never knew my sleepwalking had gone this terrible.


My girlfriend keeps telling me about her nightmares where she sees death at the foot of our bed.

I'm too scared to tell her that I can see him too and that I already agreed to let him take her instead of me.


According to superstition, if you hear ringing in your ears, it means someone is talking about you.

The ringing in my ears have stopped for the first time since my kidnapping; so I guess that means they finally gave up on finding me.


(Y/N) has become really interested in true crime stories and had been watching a lot of documentaries about Ted Bundy.

Realization finally struck when she looked at me and said, "I never met my granddad, but I can still look up to him, right?"

MC (Y/N)

"Dead people don't tell no tales" my ass

I'm still talking, aren't I?


All men are pigs...

I have two more wishes.


I wish all monsters would banish.

As the sea level lowered by two feet, I began wondering what had really been down there.


Not to be that neighbor, but I think Lawrence is weird.

It's been a week since his parents were murdered but he just quietly buried them in the backyard instead of calling the police.

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