You Accidentally Called Them Your Ex's Name

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Sorry This'll be short.

I just wanna publish something before I start working on the bookshelf I'm building for my brother's room.



Confused with a hint of jealousy.

"Huh? Who's that...? Is that your ex-boyfriend? Don't call me that again. I don't like it."


Surprised and a little whiney

"What?! Gross! Who are you calling (ex's name)?! Geez, I thought you only loved me? How can you forget your own boyfriend's name?! "


Upset but still understanding.

"Did something happen, (Y/N)? Why did you call me (ex's name)? Are you still thinking about him? I really hope not. You know I treat you a lot better than he does."


Calm but stern (and quite deadly).

"That isn't my name, (Y/N). That's your ex-boyfriend's name. Hmmm... I understand that it's an innocent slip of the tongue, but don't do it again. I don't plan on being an ex."


Loud and angry (Obviously).

"Wait... What did you just call me, (Y/N)?! Do I even look remotely similar to that disgusting pile of crap that broke your heart?! That asshole don't have anything on me you know that! God, hearing his name makes me angry!"


My yandere oresama would probably react worse than any of this tbh.

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