Fellows as Tarot Cards

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I do tarot reading and earlier today, I was shuffling and the "Sun" card just jumped out from my hand and I immediately thought of Harry...

So now, I'll do this.

Major arcana only.


Ethan (VIII The Strength)

Depicted as a woman sitting next to a tamed ferocious lion, the Strength card represents Strength, Determination and Power, albeit internally.

It reminds us of the human spirit's ability to face adversity and go through any of life's obstacles with great stamina, patience, calmness, maturity, and persistence.

The appearance of the strength card in a spread is a sign or a suggestion, that in order to succeed, one must be fueled by inner strength, passion, willpower, and determination rather than outer energy like aggressiveness.

Ethan is the quiet and mature "older brother" presence of the group and he has the ability to instantly calm MC down just by being around. He's a good listener and an honest friend, telling her what's in his mind without sounding judgy or insensitive.

He does not try to control the other people in the group by being assertive or loud, rather he tries reasoning in a level-headed way and sometimes even letting it go if he feels like the situation does not warrant much discussion.

Others, especially Zion, sees this as him being a pushover, but in reality, his calmness gives him the ability to influence and control the situation without sparking a fight. His maturity makes him trustworthy and reliable.

A/N: And as much as I love Lawrence, I have a big crush on Ethan because of his personality. That, and his perfect jawline. Deym. Lol

Eugene (XV The Devil)

The Devil Card represents a person's shadow side and the perceived inability to break free from it. The negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behavior holds him back from being the best version of himself.

The Devil Card speaks of duality and in its upright position, shows that the person has chosen the path of restriction and negative patterns, in effect, selling his soul to the devil.

If this card appears in a spread, it is a call to snap out of the belief that nothing good will happen and all that awaits is disappointment and start shining your own beacon of light if you think that the path is a bit too dark. Keep a positive and healthy mindset and make active effort to change yourself and soon everything will fall into place.

Eugene has this 'hopeless' and 'we're gonna die anyway' mentality at the beginning of the story. He doesn't interact with others much and hates it when people talk about anything positive, believing it's pointless to think like that.

He even told MC and Hailey, not to get too sentimental at one point.

However, after having MC listen to his dreams, and hear her speak so certainly and positively of the future, his mindset started changing and he began to have hope, even if it's just for the two of them, thus signalling, the 'breaking free' from the negative chain.

Harry (XIX The Sun)

This card radiates optimism and positivity, after all, the sun is the primary source of energy and supports all life on earth.

The Sun card tells that a person is being followed by radiant and positive energy wherever he goes and he has the ability to bring happiness and draw people toward him without much effort.

This beautiful and warm energy is what will help him get through tough times and succeed.

When this appears on the spread, you are being told to share your brilliance and love to world, since you have plenty of it anyway. It's also a card saying that everything will get a lot better for as long as the positivity is kept. Do not give up for there is hope.

In a yes or no reading, the Sun card is a resounding 'Yes', in a positive way.

This is pretty much self-explanatory. Harry is just bright, radiant, full of love, full of positivity, and just overall, a pleasure to be around.

He is well-liked and gets along with just about everyone. Surely MC thinks of him as the sun too.

Lawrence (XVI The Tower)

When the tower card appears in a reading, get your heart ready for the unexpected.

Sudden upheaval, destruction, disaster, and/or chaos is in the horizon. This could mean financial failure, a divorce, job loss, natural calamity, and even death.

This card symbolizes anything that would shake you to your core, proving to you that no matter how comfortable you might be right now, your world can just suddenly come crashing down on you without warning.

Everything that you thought were true and reliable will turn out to be false assumptions, illusions, or blatant lies and now you will end up questioning what or who you can and cannot trust.

But don't fret for all this destruction and chaos, no matter how painful, happens for a reason. This card is meant to tear you down to the ground so that you can build yourself back up again - this time with a more solid foundation, a better focus, a stronger heart, and a wiser mind.

Lawrence is the kind and sweet leader of the group who lead everyone to believe in a false sense of security, hope, and safety.

What everyone failed to notice was that he was also the one who had caused the biggest problems and told the worst lies. They trusted his words too much and became too comfortable with him behind the steering wheel that ultimately, all of their lives were put in danger.

Zion (VII The Chariot)

The Chariot is a card symbolising willpower, strength and determination. It is quite similar to the Strength card but with a little more flare as this card also represents the courage and ability to carry out and put into action one's beliefs and decisions.

When this card appears, it is a sign telling you that in order to succeed, channeling the inner power with a fierce dedication and stubbornness is necessary. Now is not the time to be passive.

Put your best foot forward and take focused action, not relenting and not wavering no matter what challenges comes for you.

The world might try to block you, stop you, or distract you from chasing after your goals. But no worries, for the Chariot card has a gladiator and that gladiator is you.

Zion is the kind of guy who does not feel the need to conform with the rules.

He is fiercely independent, headstrong, and vocal about his opinion and observation.

He has his own principles that he follows and stands by his beliefs even if the whole group goes against him. He is Lawrence's worst headache after all.

He takes actions when necessary and does not hesitate to butt heads with just about anyone if they try to force their opinions down his throat, thus making him the perfect candidate for the chariot card.


Personally, my favorite card is The Magician, but I also like the World and the Ace of Wands.

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