You Met For The First Time (AU)

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A new kid? He thought as he lowered the metal bat to his side, his eyes measuring you up and down since the moment you stepped onto the field to introduce yourself to the baseball team - the team captain and the coach standing right behind you.

That dugout was no place for a girl, of that he was certain, especially since you appeared so small in comparison to the guys surrounding you. He couldn't help but worry a little about the fact that you might get hurt.

Sure you were of normal height for a girl your age, but being surrounded by guys who were at least six feet tall didn't support that idea. Just one bump from him or another member would be enough to send you stumbling. Or worse.

Whose idea was it to bring someone so fragile in the field?

Was it the coach? Were you the coach's secret love child?

What should he do?

You looked like a kindergarten student in midst of high schoolers, and if that was the case, he might as well keep you behind a baby fence to ensure your safety.

This engagement in his thoughts and engrossment in his own little world was what stopped him from noticing you looking back from five meters away wondering what he was staring at you for.

"Hey. You must be Ethan! My name's (Y/N)." you greeted cheerily with a big, toothy smile in an attempt to hide the awkwardness that you feel and excused yourself from the group of young men surrounding you in order to approach him. To hopefully get yourselves properly acquainted.

But Ethan remained unfettered and unresponsive. At least, not verbally.

But in his mind he was examining you.

Even her voice sounded so soft and fragile. He noted, coolly darting his eyes away and into the distant treeline where the last ball he pitched landed as if to show that he was unworried of the fact that you just caught him staring.

"Uhm, hey." You called again for the second time. This time a little lower with a hint of shyness and worry lacing your tone.

You were concerned that he did not appreciate your presence and you wanted to clarify things. "I'm the new manag--!" But before you could finish your introduction, you tripped over a flat rock protruding from the ground and lost balance.

It was a very unfortunate event, and you would have face planted so hard you'd get dirt in your uvula had he not acted on time to catch you by the waist. With a single arm.

Point proven. Even a rock will send you flying. He thought as he moved his eyes from the multitude of shocked faces behind you and down to level with yours. You're cute, but a bit of a dimwit.

With this thought unspoken, he sighed and helped you straighten up. "I guess I'll have to keep an eye on you, miss manager."


"Eugene, introduce yourself to the new girl." The vocal coach instructed the moment the both of you stepped inside the wide music room and found the star of the drama club still there, finishing his newest song.

With his long and slender fingers gliding over the glossy surface of the grande piano, he straightened his body to acknowledge you - eyeing you from head to toe and wondering if he had met you before.

Is she a singer or a pianist? Ah, but her fingers look so small to be a pianist. Maybe a violinist. He thought as his round, amber orbs made their way to your hands.

"Hey, Eugene." The coach called out sternly again, this time finally succeeding in getting the boy to talk.

"Hello... Like she said, I'm Eugene. Don't know why I had to introduce myself when she did it for me already." He started, flatly looking up and gazing into you with a less than impressed expression. His second line being delivered lower than the previous but loud enough for you to hear.

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