Conversations Between the Fellows #2

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Had to redownload the game and work on buying everything because I didn't backup my save before.


MC (Y/N): Hey, guys! I have a question!

Eugene: *Shocked and slightly annoyed* Again?

Zion: *Raises an eyebrow at Eugene* You don't have to join if you don't want to.

Eugene: *Sighs and shrugs* Who said I didn't want to?

Harry: *Beaming angelic smile* Oh, wow! What's the question this time?

MC (Y/N): The question is... What's your ideal type?

Lawrence: *Approaches after overhearing the conversation* Type of girl you mean?

MC (Y/N): Well, hmmm... I guess "lover" is the term I'd use? But yeah!

Eugene: *Mischievous smirk* Because we're still not sure if Zion is into girls or guys.

Zion: F*CK OFF!!

MC (Y/N): And you better not answer something like, "Someone with a pretty face and big boobs or butt," okay?!

Jay: Tsk... *Walks away*

Ethan: *A resolved look and without hesitation* Someone strong-willed and brave, but fragile enough for me to protect. Also a bit playful but with a kind heart.

MC (Y/N): Wow...

Zion: It's rare for Ethan to answer first.

Ethan: *Blushes* ... ...

Lawrence: That just means Ethan already has someone in mind.

Zion: *Grins* Oh really? Who's the lucky girl then?

Eugene: *Rolls his eyes* Don't ask... Lawrence is here.

Lawrence: *Says nothing but frowns at Eugene* ...

Eugene: But aren't brave and dumb two sides of the same coin?

Harry: *Expression turns serious* Be nice. Don't make fun of Ethan. If that's his ideal type then so be it... *Then turns to MC (Y/N) with a bright smile* For me, I like someone accepting and understanding. Someone I can be open with...

MC (Y/N): Hmm... Open with about what? That's a bit vague, Harry.

Ethan: About himself?

Harry: What indeed... *Smiles even bigger* Who's next?

Eugene: Guess, I'll go... *Shrugs* Hmm, I want someone who will respect my decision... We don't have to agree in everything, just as long as she supports me and understands what makes me happy.

MC (Y/N): Ooh. That's a surprisingly serious answer!

Eugene: *Big boy cocky grin* Obviously.

Zion: Hmph, I like someone honest and straightforward... I'm not Willy Wonka, I don't sugarcoat sh*t, so she better not either.

Eugene: So you like Scarlett then?

Zion: Huh? I don't remember adding b*tch to the list. You sure you heard me right?

MC (Y/N): *Laughing* You guys are so funny together. You get along so well.

Eugene: What?! You must be blind if you think we get along.

Zion: *Gazes at MC (Y/N) briefly* And someone who likes me for being me...

MC (Y/N): Okay, last one. Lawrence?

Lawrence: *Surprisingly indecisive* Well, I really don't have a particular type since I never really thought about it...

Eugene: Bullsh*t... Just say whatever type is MC (Y/N).

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