Types Of Boyfriends

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The Repressed Boyfriend

He's the kind of boyfriend who would rarely speak about or show you just how much he loves you.

It's not that he doesn't feel anything. It's just that PDA isn't his thing and he's built to have his emotions caged in until he can no longer contain it.

He would repress his feelings for days, weeks or even months at a time making you feel as though he doesn't love you at all.

But when he explodes, an overwhelming tidal wave of love will come rushing at you all at once.

He's the kind who will seduce or woo you in the most romantic way possible. From reserving a whole restaurant for your date, to preparing a bedroom filled with rose petals and candles. Nothing is off limits.

He would indulge you in romantic gestures and make a list of all the things he loves about you.

He would do anything for you. Give all of him to you.

But you better prepare though...

As silent and repressed as he is outside, he's a monster craving for release behind closed doors.


The BFF Boyfriend

As the title suggests, he loves you and would let you know as many times as needed that he does, but he behaves more like your best friend than your boyfriend.

You love the same shows, you love the same songs and you'd rather do nothing and stay at home playing games or whatnot than go on an actual date.

You can talk to him about anything and everything, because trust is big in your relationship and jealousy is very low.

The only hurdle you might encounter is falling out of love because you realised that you're better off as friends than lovers.

Aside from that, you have no other problems.

Sexual attraction might not be a thing though because your relationship is heavily grounded on more wholesome things like communication, comfort, laughter, and light-hearted banters.

Something all relationships need.

Besides, don't best friends make best spouses too?


The Overly Accommodating Boyfriend

He's the most accommodating amongst all the other boyfriends on this list. Maybe a little bit too accommodating.

Your needs, wants, and feelings are his top priority that he often ends up neglecting himself and loses his personality in the relationship.

He puts you first and will sacrifice everything he has to keep you comfortable, often running errands for you, doing your work for you, and just simply following everything you tell him to do.

Literally, his world revolves around you.

He won't even argue with you.

His love comes in the form of complete submission, so it's up to you to take care of him in return.

Remind him that he could only love you right if he loves himself right.

You're his queen so emphasise the fact that he's your king.

And tell him to be chill, like srsly.


The Overtly Romantic Boyfriend

He's the kind of boyfriend that leapt out of a romance novel. (maybe for you not for everyone else)

Among his goals is to remind you day in and day out just how much he loves you, how important you are to him, and how mesmerisingly beautiful you are in his eyes.

This boy will shower you with cheesy romantic lines, bring you flowers and chocolates when you're down, and hold your hand when you go outside for a walk.

He loves kissing your forehead and telling you "Stay with me." like it's a mantra.

He also knows what you need and will get them for you without you needing to say anything.

The only thing that you probably have to worry about with this kind of guy is how possessive he can get. (so true)


The Jealous Boyfriend

Whoo boy, this boy is incapable of understanding the concept of trust and will be overly possessive with you and would want to know what you are up to 24/7.

Be careful not to fall asleep on him when chatting, he'd think the worst.

He also tends to be a bit paranoid and would think that you're falling in love with someone else just because that person's joke is funnier than his. (can Zion make a joke tho?)

When out in public, guys have to make sure to steer clear from your direction because one glance from another guy your way will almost immediately ruin his mood, and you know how he is when he's angry.

He'd probably shout at the poor chap till they run away out of fear.

Just reassure him that you love him. Always. And pray to whatever god you believe in that he believes you.

It's not his fault he has such an amazing girlfriend after all.

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