Lovers' Q & A

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Your question for him:
"What do you think is the number one thing that will make a relationship work?"

"Time." he responded almost immediately, wrapping his arms around you protectively and possessively as he pulled you on his lap.

You shifted your weight on your boyfriend, careful not to make yourself too heavy and turned your body sideways to look him in the eyes. "Why do you think so?" you asked with a curious smile.

He pondered a bit, puckering his forehead and closing his eyes as he thought about your inquiry. The way he reacted made you laugh for you know all too well he has an answer. He's just struggling to piece them together.

After a few long seconds, Ethan opened his eyes and placed his chin on your shoulder, kissing your neck gently in the process and inhaling the scent of your skin before responding to your question.

"Because even if you don't talk too much, as long as you find the time to be there for the one you love when they need you and even if they don't, I think that's enough to let them know how serious your feelings are."

You giggled at his reply and planted a long and sweet kiss on his forehead, knowing that he was just describing what he's doing for you on a daily basis.

His question for you:
"What was your favourite part about our first kiss?"

You laughed a little bit too loudly at his question, remembering how he reacted when you first kissed, but you quickly composed yourself and cleared your throat.

He had his eyes wide open when you first took his lips and the way he kissed you back so sloppily makes your cringe and laugh at the same time whenever you recall the event. You were just grateful that he got a lot better at it as your relationship went on that he can now take your breath away whenever he decides to claim your mouth.

Ethan didn't seem to like your reaction though as you felt his grip on your stomach tighten from the embarrassment that he most probably felt.

"I'm sorry, baby. But you were the one who asked." you reasoned, trying your best to hold in the laughter that was threatening to burst and coming out as small giggles instead.

Your boyfriend rolled his eyes at your behavior, a reaction that you do not see him do often, and you knew immediately he was slightly annoyed. "Then don't answer." he spoke quietly, turning his head away, but you pulled him back with your hand and kissed his lips as passionately as you could as a form of unspoken apology.

You pulled away from him a minute later and smiled lovingly.

"My favorite part about our first kiss was realising the fact that it was just the first of the millions of times that I will kiss you from then on."


Your question for him:
"What's the one thing you want to do to me that we haven't done yet?"

Eugene's face exploded in a blush with a shade darker than Zion's hair upon hearing your question and pushed you off the love seat that you were sharing.

"What the hell, (Y/N)?! You said nothing dirty!" he whined loudly, the mortified look on his face amusing you enough to forget that he shoved you strongly onto the carpeted floor below.

"My question's not dirty. Your mind is." you retorted in between your laughter as you stood up to squeeze yourself back on the spot that you previously occupied. You then turned and faced Eugene, wrapping an arm around his waist and nuzzling his shoulder. "Surely, you're more mature than that. So what's your answer, babe?"

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