Chapter 10: A Monk's Tale

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It had been two weeks since Carrie’s hospital stay. She was still recovering but gaining strength. Though she was feeling better, her doctor warned of a slow recovery. Upon her release, Jago received a list of medications for her. In addition, he signed some documents regarding his role as a foster parent. One doctor called the Kyichu Hotel manager to give them a place to stay. Also, Carrie promised the monk she would never lie to him again.

Carrie found Jago’s cot empty this morning when she awoke. Where is he? On top of the wood drawer, she discovered a note. She unfolded the letter and read it once she grabbed it.

‘Stepped out to do errands. I will return soon.’


Relaxed, Carrie shifted to the nearby window. Sunlight reflected off the window, filling the room. Part of her longed to remain in bed, but her face blanched when a funky odor hit her nose. Oh, God. When did I last bathe?

Sitting up, Carrie yawned and stretched, heading to the bathroom. Fresh towels hung on the railing above two ceramic sinks. A bathtub sat against the wall with a shower hose. When Carrie entered, she spotted a picture of a man in a boat. While gazing at the portrait, she imagined herself facing the waves. Shaken from her thoughts, Carrie averted her gaze from the picture. As she neared the bathing tub, she switched the faucet on.

Water poured into the basin while she adorned the edge with a washcloth and soap. At halfway, Carrie shut off the valve and removed her clothing. She tested the water’s temperature with her foot. Contented, the girl immersed herself in the washbasin. Carrie relished the moment as she washed. After splashing her face, she wiped her eyes. When she opened them, she froze, staring at her reflection. A crimson-red hue surrounded the surface as her victims’ faces emerged.

In a startled yell, she jumped out and examined herself. Is it my period again? She checked the tub. The crimson color vanished, leaving the bathwater clear. She pinched her nose. It’s all in your head.

With the mood ruined, Carrie unplugged the drain and picked up a towel. While drying herself, she peered at a mirror and recoiled.

Her mother stared back; her expression twisted in disgust. “Why are you with him? He’s a sinner!”

“No, Mama, Jago saved me!”

“He’s not saving you. He’s trying to infect you with his sin. First comes the blood, then the boys—”

“Stop it—”

“He’ll take you, little girl, like your father did to me!”

“STOP!” Carrie shielded her ears as the glass cracked. Trembling, she slumped to the floor, curling into a fetal position, crying. A knock on the door caught her attention, but she remained still.

“Carrie?” Jago called from the other side. “Carrie, are you alright?”

“…Help…” she said in a tiny voice.

Jago peeked inside to check if she had anything on her. Seeing the towel wrapped around the girl’s body, he entered. “What happened?”

“…I didn’t mean… the mirror…”

While the frightened girl sobbed, Jago approached the looking glass, tracing his fingers along the cracks. What happened here? Has that demon returned to harass Carrie? The monk didn’t sense any presence, let alone that evil shade. His mind raced with questions, attempting to make sense of the situation.

Since Carrie had no cuts, suicide was off the table. The bathroom’s condition also puzzled him. Aside from the reflective surface, everything was intact. His eyes softened as the whimpering girl shivered.

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