Chapter 22: Raptor Attack

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Despite the active monsoon season, fewer storms occurred. With the rain lessening, locals could resume daily activities. The sun came out, bringing much-needed relief to the Gasa region. In a clearing, the river dipped to its average level.

The muddy banks gave way to vivid blue water that glistened in the sunlight.

Bird songs pierced the air, creating a peaceful environment.

Rhythmic shouts echoed as Pemba assisted Carrie in her martial arts practice. Although a rookie, the telekinetic worked hard to master the techniques.

Jago sat on a boulder nearby, watching the women practice.

After a while, the women ended their sparring session. They wiped away sweat from their foreheads and smiled.

When Pemba said something in Nepali, Carrie assumed it was time for a break. She joined Jago by the boulder, extracting a cloth from her chuba. She untied it, revealing momos in clumps.

Before arriving at their training area, they visited the town to grab lunch.

“How was the session? You’re getting stronger,” Jago said.

“Well, I have two amazing teachers.” While taking slow, deep breaths, Carrie rubbed her chest.

“Is everything alright?”

“It’s this stupid strain. Whenever I use my powers, something tugs my heart. Is that normal?”

Concerned, the monk placed his palm on Carrie’s back, attuning his ki. “You’re still resisting—your powers, I mean. The more you resist, the more you’ll struggle. While maintaining control, it is crucial to release.”

“That’s just it. I’m scared to let go.”

Pemba approached them, speaking Nepali. Once Jago responded, she smiled and left the training grounds.

“Where is she going?” Carrie asked.

“Pemba is heading to the village for errands. How about we meditate? Take your mind off things,” Jago said.

After one last bite, Carrie wrapped her meal. She followed Jago into the woodlands, unaware of the hidden figures watching them.

Within the undergrowth, the RIPTOR Stalker units eyed their quarry. The pack leader growled, longing to sink its teeth into flesh. After weeks of surveillance, it received fresh directives within its mind.





The leader chirped, and the Stalker units headed deep into the woods.


Jago and Carrie trekked through the forest, their feet crunching on dead leaves. Birds chirped in the canopy above, a reminder of Nature’s beauty.

Soon, they found another clearing with a pond. They perched on a fallen log covered with moss. They sat in silence for a few moments, beginning their session.

As hours passed, Jago sensed a disturbance. The location was too quiet for his liking.

With his senses on high alert, he arose, scanning.

Carrie glanced over her shoulder. “Jago, what’s wrong?”

The monk motioned to her to stay quiet.

Concerned, Carrie hopped off the log, keeping her footsteps light. While surveying the area, something caught her eye. Though blending in the foliage, a closer inspection exposed a reptilian eye. She froze as her heart raced. Before she called out, a human-sized raptor rushed toward her, but a fireball struck the beast.

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