Chapter 31: Challenge

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Deep in the night, a mysterious hooded, cloaked figure strolled through the abandoned Ukrainian town. The streets were empty, save for wildlife. Moonlight shone on deserted buildings and shops, adding to the unsettling scene.

As the figure stopped near the plaza, it removed its hood and pulled out a tracking device.

Her dark blonde braided hair remained tied in a ponytail, with two strands hanging to the side. Though covered in her cloak, her stature was imposing. Her broad shoulders and athletic build spoke of years of rigorous training. Her piercing brown eyes revealed resolve and wisdom.

The woman glanced at the screen of her tracking tool. A blinking red dot appeared on a digital map of the town's layout, showing her current location. A small blue circle marked the source of an unknown signal on the display's edge.

According to my informant, this energy source is in this town. I can't say if this is Kan-Ra, but it's worth checking out. The woman adjusted the device to narrow the signal's location. After that, she resumed her journey, continuing her hunt.


The first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a soft, golden hue across the landscape. The sun rose higher, its warm rays piercing through the lingering mist and beaming into the ruins.

After finishing her patrol, Orchid yawned as she returned to base. She found Natasha slumped in a chair, her face hidden behind a hat.

Orchid frowned while placing her hands on her hips. What the hell? Once she approached the individual, she grabbed her shoulder and shook. Natasha jerked, removing the hat from her face and massaging her sunglasses-concealed eyes. "How was your nap?"

Natasha shook her head. "Ugh. Sorry, Orchid. I must've fallen asleep."

"You were supposed to watch for danger."

"I know, I know! It won't happen again, I swear!"

"It better not." Orchid held her gaze for several seconds, unnerving her subordinate. "Are the others awake?"

"Last I saw, they were getting breakfast."

"Perfect timing. I could use a fresh cup of coffee. I'll send someone to replace you. After that, rest - you resemble the undead."

"That bad, huh? What's your secret then, Miss Fashion Model?"

"I'm a light sleeper." The green-clad woman departed, walking toward the cafeteria.


When Orchid arrived at the makeshift cafeteria, the exhausted personnel surprised her. Some had worried expressions; others had dark circles around their eyes.

One agent sat by himself, but his expression differed from the others. His form trembled with haunting eyes.

While pouring coffee into her cup, Orchid elbowed a nearby agent. "Morning, Jordan."

"Good morning to you, too, boss!" The agent yawned.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Couldn't sleep last night."

"What happened?"

"Meh, nightmares. Maybe I watched too many horror movies. Should've stuck with porn instead."

Orchid scoffed. "You need a hobby, Jordan." She peered over her shoulder in the distraught agent's direction. "What's with him?"

"Peters? He claimed to have heard ghosts."

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