Chapter 28: Revelation

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Inside the secret research lab within Ultratech headquarters, silence lingered. Hundreds of acrylic cylinders filled with stasis gels stood in neat rows, their contents bubbling and swirling. Each contained strange and mutated beings, resulting from countless experiments.

After a quick room check, Glacius oozed out of the vents. It spat out Tipyeléhne, who donned a security guard uniform, before shifting to its humanoid form.

Tipyeléhne dusted himself off and adjusted the uniform. "Okay, first, that was weird. Second, when I mentioned we needed to find a way out, I didn't expect you to swallow me whole and crawl in the shafts."

Glacius's eyes lit with a mischievous gleam, emitting a strange chortling noise.

Tipyeléhne couldn't suppress his smile until he glanced at his surroundings. "Oh, my God. What is this?"

The abnormal beings were unlike anything he had encountered. Their distorted forms and twisted features sent shivers down his spine. He dreaded the thought of these creatures breaking free and entering the world. When Glacius pointed at the empty cylinders, Tipyeléhne moved closer, and his stomach dropped.

Small plaques attached to each pod had his brother's name and several others. His mind raced with questions.

Then, the same dull pain struck Tipyeléhne's head as another memory surfaced. It showed him-or his original-and Hinmatoom bickering. He didn't understand the contents but could tell it was not pleasant. As before, the memory faded alongside the pain.

Glacius rested its hand on Tipyeléhne's shoulder; its eyes flickered with concern.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. I had a moment." The clone examined the pods. "The containers show no damage. My brother and others on these plaques may still be alive."

"Who's in here?" a voice shouted.

The ice alien shifted to its slime form and slipped under Tipyeléhne's shirt.

The clone shivered from the cold sensation against his skin. With a calm expression, Tipyeléhne turned towards the source. "Just security doing a routine check. Everything's under control."

A lab technician emerged from around the corner, eyeing the man. His gaze narrowed as he approached. "I don't recognize you. Are you a newbie here?"

"Yes. I started today. I'm making sure everything is in order."

"Well, make sure you have proper clearance next time. Several unauthorized people have accessed our facility. I'm here to check the specimens. Are they secure?"

"All secure and accounted for."

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't forget to follow protocols and report unusual activity. If you need to leave, use the elevator down the hall. Just swipe your ID card to access it."

"I will, and thank you, sir."

As the lab technician walked away, Tipyeléhne sighed, placing his hand on his chest. Taking the lab technician's advice, he headed through the hall.

Upon arriving, he patted himself for the ID card, which he found in the breast pocket. He tilted his head at the name 'Paul Anderson.'

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