Chapter 18: The Golem & The Brave

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Holograms and small lights filled the pitch-black room with the Ultratech logo. A table stood on a platform, projecting New York City in a three-dimensional view. Overhead, lights flashed on a mainframe computer. Sitting in her metal throne-like seat, ARIA gazed at a screen.

In the monitor, Jago and Pemba set up objects for Carrie. She typed the command RECORD to the assigned drone in Tibet. Beethoven's Für Elise played in her office, creating a peaceful environment.

While studying, she peeked at Cinder entering.

Her associate stretched his arms as he approached his boss. "Well, that was fun. What's happening here?"

"Jago is assessing Carrie's abilities. It would provide data for her capture," ARIA said.

"So he's training her?"

"Not yet. Jago has not displayed any interest in bringing her to Orchid."

"For now." Cinder narrowed his eyes, grunting. "Are you fine with this? Once she gains control of her powers, it will be impossible to capture her."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm just saying we should grab Jean Grey's little sister ASAP."

"Even in her untrained state, Carrietta is a force to tread cautiously." ARIA brought forth another screen and tapped on a video clip. "A drone captured this on August 1, 2013."

"August? Isn't it July now?"

"Have you forgotten about time zones?"

After a while, Cinder facepalmed. "Oh, right. We're in July, but they're in August. Damn! I should've paid more attention to Geography in high school."

"You were in the Army, according to your records. I thought you knew about timezones."

"Hey, it's been a long time since I remember that shit, okay? Don't judge me. So, what's with the recorded file?"

ARIA played the video. From an aerial view, Carrie and Jago hurried through a forest at night, riding on a white lion donning a greenish-blue mane. Behind them were hooded men on horseback. During the chase, Carrie lifted several riders off their horses. Without paying attention, the horses trampled on the fallen men.

"Ooh, they're dead. Also, is that a lion?" Cinder said. "I'm no smartass with animals, but lions don't live in Tibet."

"This 'lion' is a shapeshifter. The creature's role is unclear, but its ability is intriguing," ARIA said. "I'm also studying the environment, developing ideas for capture."


"The shapeshifter and Carrietta, for obvious reasons. For Jago, I have questions regarding his experiences. He was in contact with a dangerous creature... one I must learn about."

"I suppose, but what if they refuse to comply?"

"The situation may require a few actions. Did you complete the task I gave you?"

"You gave me a task?" Cinder dug in his memories until one clicked. "Oh, that task! Yep! I gave Spider-Woman the pink slip. She wasn't thrilled, so I had to make it clear."

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