Chapter 36: Settling In

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From an aerial vantage point, the City of Dawn revealed its elaborate layout, defined by terraced hillsides and aligned stone structures. The citadel extended into distinct residential, agricultural, and ceremonial areas, reflecting the Inca's emphasis on harmony with nature. Water management and advanced engineering became apparent throughout the path network.

Pemba floated in her kaiju-sized bird form like a decompression stop as the wind guided her over the sprawling cityscape. Her keen eyes scanned every detail, from the sparkling irrigation channels to the intricate stone temples.

On her back, the gang marveled at the breathtaking view below.

"Man, look at this place! It's like time stood still," TJ said.

"It's incredible how much they achieved with the resources they had," Carrie said.

"Indeed," Maya said. "During the altitude acclimation, I should explain the rules. Number one: do not venture outside safety boundaries unless you're in the final training phase or engaged in a mission."

"Final training phase?"

"To become a Night Guard warrior. Number two: do not use the Amazon River as a toilet, swimming area, or bathtub, lest you risk attracting a candiru. Number three--"

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but quick question. What the hell is a candiru?" TJ asked, taking his time with the last word.

Maya sighed. "It's a parasitic fish native to the Amazon River, no smaller than a toothpick. It swims into unsuspecting animals and humans' orifices, feeding on blood by following urine."

"Wait, wait the fuck minute! You're saying if I piss in the river, that little ass fish could swim inside my dick?!"

"Yes. Once it unleashes its spines, it will not budge, and the pain will be unbearable. Last year, we had a recruit who ignored the warning. He thought it was a myth and relieved himself in the river. Within minutes, he screamed in agony and ended up in the medical wing for emergency surgery."

TJ's face paled as he covered his crotch. "No fucking way! I'm not stepping foot in that river, even if someone pays me a million bucks! As for the poor sap, that damn fish ended his sex life, didn't it?"

"Such attacks are rare," Orchid said.

"Still, that's fucked up! I'd rather have a goddamn anaconda squeeze my black ass to death than have a fish inside my dick doing God knows what!"

"Oh, you think that's scary? I remember watching this show 'River Monsters,' and they talked about its cousin: the candiru asu," Nikita said. "It's more aggressive, and instead of seeking urine, it burrows into its victims' flesh, eating them from the inside out."

TJ threw his hands in the air. "Goddamn it! Why did you make it worse?"

The agent shrugged. "Hey, I'm just sharing knowledge."

"Great! Just fucking great!" TJ shook his head. "Now I have two reasons to avoid that death trap of a river."

Maya chuckled. "Don't worry. Stick to the rules, and you'll be fine. Besides, we have plenty of safer spots for bathing and swimming within city boundaries. Rule number three: always respect the Night Guard customs. Given that our roots stem from our Incan ancestors, we have a rich tapestry of traditions and rituals that guide our way of life. As a community, these customs are vital to our identity and cohesion.

"Rule number four: while you're free to explore the City of Dawn, never venture near Kan-Ra's temple. It's the same with the vault, which is rule number five. The vault holds every relic known to history. An elaborate maze is in place to prevent theft, accessible only to Night Guard members."

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