Chapter 8: Hisako

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As the sun sank in Chamberlain, Maine, the sky blushed red, and twinkling stars appeared. Under normal conditions, residents would enjoy Nature’s splendor. Now, it was a distant memory. The Black Prom incident changed everything. Most planned to move out of fear while others stayed, confined to their homes.

Sue exited the house carrying a flashlight and a backpack. She checked her supplies for the treacherous journey she would take.

Rita remained at the door. “Are you sure about this? That girl might not be there anymore.”

Sue scratched her head. “That’s true.”

“Is it possible to find anything?”

“Hard to say. The worst-case scenario? It’s some joke, and a cop will tell me off. I want assurances that nothing sinister will come.”

“Alright, but if anything happens, call me, okay?”

“I will.” Sue strolled down the sidewalk, adjusting her backpack as Rita closed the door.

* * *

Memorial Park remained the same upon arrival except for the yellow tape. The lack of police officers surprised Sue.

I guess there isn’t enough law enforcement in such a small town.

As Sue stepped forward, she paused, reflecting on the video.

With its taped-off entrance, Memorial Park resembled a stitched-up yawning mouth.

Despite her assurance that it might have been a hoax gone wrong, her trembling hand holding the flashlight betrayed her.

I think Rita was right to stay at home. Sue was about to depart when something light brushed her shoulder. Startled, she screamed and flashed her light at her intruder.

A young boy covered his face from the blinding light. “Sue, will you put that away?”

“What the… George?” She smacked his head after lowering her flashlight. “What the hell?”

“Ow! Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I would ask you the same thing.”

“Well…” Sue paused. How could she explain her reasons here? She rubbed her stomach to comfort her unborn baby. “I was planning to head home. I can’t risk my child’s safety.”

“Sariel might agree.”

“Who’s Sariel?”

“Remember that student exchange program years ago? Sariel was the student we hosted in our senior year. He was from Japan. Tommy and I got to know him before Prom. Of course, he didn’t attend. I spoke to him about the Memorial Park incident and asked if he could help. Sariel said he’d try before moving back once he sets his affairs in order.”

“So you’re escorting him? Because it looks like he agreed.”

“Well….” His phone shuddered from his pants pocket while playing a catchy ringtone. George retrieved his phone and answered the call. “Hello?”

“Are you at Memorial Park?” an accented voice asked.

“Yeah, and so is Sue.”

“‘Sue?’ As in the former Ultra member? From what you’ve told me, she’s pregnant, right?”

“Yeah, she is. Why?”

“Can you tell her to leave?”

Before George could respond, Sue leaned in and said, “Not until I have answers.”

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