I am pregnant

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I don't own Twilight!!
Chapter 1:

bella pov

I still cant belive this is happening. I mean one minute i am fine going shopping with Angela the next minute i am puking my brains out in the mall restroom


And now a week later I still have no idea whats wrong with me. So now, here i am in Port Angeles with Angela looking at pregnancy tests.

We found three that looked like we were able to trust so we went to pay them and started going home.

The whole trip back to Forks we were quite because of how nervous we were.

4 long hours later we got to my house, and thank god Charlie was not home yet. We ran upstairs and i went in to my washroom.

That is where i am now waiting 5 more minutes for these tests to tell me that i am right and that vampires can't get a girl pregnant.

But wait can vampires get a HUMAN girl pregnant???

Well we are about to find out.

To lines, a happy face and one that says three months. Man pretty soon they'll be able to tell if its a boy or a girl.

HOLY CRAP!! I am pregnant!!

I went outside the washroom to find Angela pacing back and forth.

When she heard the door of the bathroom creak she turned to face me and said "Well?"

I took a deep breath and said the words that were going to change my life forever.

"I'm pregnant." and then i broke down and all the tears that i was holding started coming down.

Angela held and tried to calm me down.

How was i suppose to tell Charlie or Renee and Phil. And if Charlie knows that means that he is going to tell Billy and all the people down in La push know. So the whole town will find put in a couple of hours. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! What if Victoria comes looking for me? I dont want her hurting my baby!


Who could that be?

"Were you expecting someone?" Angela asks. She seemed to be thinking the samething i was.

"No! Did you tell anyone you were coming here?" i asked thinking it might be one of the kids from school.

"No! Well Ben, but he wouldn't come here if he wasnt invited"

"Bella! Open the door!" the persone out side was deffinettly a girl. But it was not a voice i reconized. It was very girly and soft.

So me being the idiot that i am went to open the door without cheking the little peek hole because i thought it was a little girl.

As soon as i opened it i regreted it completly. I was wrong it was not a little girl. The voice did not match this person at all. This person standing in front of me scared me.

This person was...


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