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Chapter 11


Many people say giving birth was a beautiful thing... Well guess what they lied... I know that this baby is half vampire but GOD... I feel like I'm being split in 2. Yes that's gow much it hurts!!

Once we got to the Cullens house James put the girl on speaker and she was yelling out instructions.

"FOUND BLOOD!" i hear from upstairs.

"Perfect" i hear threw the phone "you'll probably need it. Now when was the last time you've hunted?" she asks.

"Yesterday" James answers emidiatly.

"Thank God cuz there will be A LOT of blood."

"AHHHHHH!!" I screamed. It hurt so much i couldn't take it any more.

"Okay now James you will have to check if the baby is crowning... In other words if the baby is ready to come out." she says with a hint of amusant in her voice. I guess she like to make James uncomfortable.

"WHAT?!" James and my dad yell at the same time.

"What did you think the baby would just pop and say hey? Listen Flash She needs to get the baby out before they both die it will take two seconds."

"Urg! Fine!" he says umcomfortably.

"Good boy"

"Uh! I think i see the head." James says panically.

"Of course you can. Okay sweetie you will have to push. Okay?"

I know shes talking to me so i just whimper. It hurts so much that i cant even speak.

"I'll take that as a yes. Okay Jamie start the countdown." she says kinda freaked out.

"What count down... Meri i have no idea what I'm doing." he says and by the looks of it he's about to cry.

"Are you crying?" she asked him in an amused voice.

"SHUT UP AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" James screamed.

"Okay, okay!" she giggles. "Girl on the count of three push... 1...2...3." as soon as she said 3 i pushed "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." i took a deep breath. "James what do you see?"

"Uh... I think the head is coming out. What do I do Merina I'm freaking out."

"Stop being a fucking pussy. Preggers PUSH! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"

"Okay I think she only has to push one more time." James says in relief.

"Okay. Go!" I counted to 10 in my head then I heard the sound of a baby crying and I looked up.

"I did it!" James screamed with the baby in his hands holding it like they held Simba in "The Lion King." All we needed was someone to start singing "The Circle of Life." "Oh and it's a girl."

"Well congratulations on the new baby. And Jamie you delivered your first kid how does it feel?" Merina asked .

"That... Felt... So... Weird! No seriously how do doctors do it every day?" James said STILL freaking out.

"Okay... I have to go... It was nice speaking to you ginger and I hope I see u soon. And again congrats on the kid." Merina says.

"Bye Mer!" James say and goes to hang up the phone. Just as he does that Victoria comes in.

"Hey guys thanks far calling me." She says sarcastically.

"Hey Vic! Sorry, we were kinda busy." James says with a smile! "I delivered the baby."

Victoria's eyes go wide. " OH MY GOD! Bella are you okay?" She says running to me.

"I'm fine Vic." I say with a smile looking down at the beautiful baby in my arms.

"Good! She's adorable Bella. So whats her name?"

"Angela Victoria Swan."

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