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Chapter 14

No, no, no! He shouldn't be here. I can't- no I DON'T want to see him! He ruined me! But then again if it wasn't for him Angela wouldn't be here.

I was only supposed to come here so Angela could play with Victoria (my new step mom) since her and my dad just came back from her honeymoon.

Shit he's coming over.

I give Victoria a panicked look and she smiles at me.

"Hello Edward!" She says when he gets here.

"Hello Victoria, Bella." He looks at me with longing eyes while I keep my eyes on Angela who is glaring at him since he did not acknowledge her.

"Bella can i talk to you for a minute?" Victoria says. "Angel why don't you talk to Edward? Tell him a little about yourself."

Her face lights up and she wears a ten watt smile. "OKAY AUNTIE VICKIE!"

"We'll be right back... Just watch her." Victoria says then pulls me away.

"But-" I tried to say but she interrupted me.

"Shut up and walk. It looks weird that I am dragging you through the park." I sighed and followed her. I am kind of scared for what she is going to tell me.


"So... Um..." I honestly had nothing to say.

"You no idea how talk to kids do you?" She questions me.

"It's not that." I say quickly


"Kind of."

She rolls her eyes before mumbling "ask away."

"What's your full name?"

"Angela Victoia Swan." She says with a huge smile. "You?"

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. How old are you?"

"Mommy like the name Antony. She say if i was boy my name would be Antony James Swan. And I Thee. You?"

"Um... 17. Whens your birthday?"

"June 10 2007."

"Mine is June 20th. What's your dads name?"

She looks a little sad before answering "I no know. Unka Jake, Gampa Chalie and Auntie Vickie say he no love Mamma and left her."

"Who picked your name?"

"I did. Angel, sweetie. Go see mommy I have to talk to Edward." Victoria tells the little girl.

"Okie Dokie Auntie Vickie." She says before skipping off to Bella.

"You better not hurt any of them." She warns.

"Seriously Victoria I thought you wanted revenge on James' death."

"I don't care about James any more. I am married now to an amazing man and i am more happy now then I ever was."

"What changed?"

"I figured out he never loved me and was just using me."

"Who's Angela's father?"

"You are you moron."

Well I was not expecting that.

An: sorry for the long wait... With exams and finishing school I didn't really have a lot of time on my hands. Anyway I will try to post more often from now on. Don't worry this story will end up getting more interesting.

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