Telling Renee

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I don't own Twilight!!

__________________________BELLA POV


3 weeks later!

Its been 3 weeks since Victoria came and told me her story. 3 weeks since i met her family and 3 weeks since i found out i was pregnant.

In these 3 weeks Victoria and her family exept Laura registered to come to my school so they can protect me if anyone starts saying things about me. They are posing as my cousins on my moms side. Everyone at school knows about me being pregnant because Lauren's mom works at the hispital and told Lauren. Lauren being the big mouth that she is told the whole school the next day. Now everyone is saying that this is the reason that Edward left me but Sasha started yelling at them telling them that Edward left months ago and i didnt find out untill now. Then James and Victoria scared them away.

James was the new Emmett for me. He was funny and stupid but if you were mean to some one that he cared about he would get seroious.

After we left James that day my dad said that i should tell my mother about me being pregnant and about Vampires. Victoria thought it was a good idea. The phone call went better than i thought it would.


I dialed my mom number with shaky arms. She didnt approve of these things. Well neither did my dad but he was okay with it the again it was probaly just Victoria because when he saw her the first time he had a huge smile on his face... Pedofile.

"Hello?" my mom said when she answered the phone.

"Hey mom!"

"Bella? Oh My God! How are you sweetie?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine... Honey whats wrong?" she sounded really worried about me.

"Mom... I-I-I'm pregnant" i tell her nervously. Victoria grabs my hand and Dad puts a hand on my shoulder.

"That sick narsasistic dumbass... Bella tell me the truth did he leave you because you were pregnant?" because if he did..." i cut her off becsue dad and Victoria were laughing there lungs off.

"No Mom he doesnt even know that i am pregnant."

"are you going to tell him that your pregnant?" She asks me in a very calm voice?

"No mom, i can't he doesnt want this." i tell her truthfully.

"oh baby what did dad say when you told him... You Did tell him right?"

"yes i told him and he is suprisingly okay with it."

"Oh. Well that is good baby. Do you want me to come down when the baby is born?"

Victoria mouthed 'tell her'. I hesitated for a bit. I mean i was still worried that Charlie new about them. I mean i know the volturi Are terrified of her daughter she told me herself. But still the volturi are the rulers and what ever they say goes. But for some reason i felt safe with Victoria and her family so i knew they would peotect us.

"Bella? Are you still there?" my mom asks me.

"Yes mom i am still her. I acctually have something else to tell and you may not wantto be part of rhe childs life after i tell you this."

"Whats wrong Bella?"

"the Cullen's are vampires." i say slowly.

"I KNEW IT!" my mom shouts on the end of the line.

My father victoria and i give eachother strange looks. How did she know?

"how did you-"

"when you guys came down i pheonix and endedup in the hospital i noticed that they dont eat, they are a little faster then normal people and they are super cold and hard so i was a little supicious so when i got home i did me reasearch i wasnt 100% sure but i was atleast 90% sure of it and i was right... Can i tell phil?"

I looked at Victoria and she nodded her head as to day sure. "Yes mom!"

"PHILL I WAS RIGHT THE CULLENS ARE VAMPIRES. YOU OWE BE A DKNY PURCE!!" Victoria dad and i stated laughingat that. "oh honey i will get tikets and me and Phill will be there soon baby."

"thanks mom and thanks for not getting mad at me." i tell her while i start to tear up a little.

"Sweetheart it wasnt your fault dont worry about it. I love you Bella bye baby."

"i love you to mom. Have a safe trip."

Then we hung up.

End of Flashback🌃

3 days after this my mom and phil came down to forks. They liked Victoria and her family instantly and we all started learning sign language for Laura and it was pretty fun. Angela ans James stArted getting closer everyday. Ben started getting a little jelouse but Angela said there was nothing going on between them. And Victoria went back to being a vegitarian. A lot changed in three weeks and it was all for the better.

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