The Phoenix In The Snow

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3rd pov.

"what the hell."

"sorry, I'm really sorry... My hand slipped and it-it broke..." (y/n) stammered with unnoticeable tears in her eyes.

Blood dripped from the skin in her hands as she picked up the broken shards of ceramic on the floor.

"no. What the hell. Your hand is bleeding. And you don't feel anything?"

"I... Don't... I'll fix it up though... Don't worry..." she laughed shakily.

"let me help you... (y/n)-ya" he finally sighed and kneeled down to help her.

"no, no... This is fine... I'm alright..." (y/n) said as she threw away the remaining shards and 'dusted' her hands off in the sink after washing her hands to get rid of the blood.

"let me treat those wounds..." her captain sighed softly before softly grabbing her wrist

"ah- no, no.... It's fine, really... I can patch myself up... You don't need to waste your precious time I'll be fine... I guess" she grumbled the last part.

"no. I insist. Let me." his grip on her wrist tightened a bit to know that he isn't gonna let her go.

"e-eh... O-okay... Fine... But you don't have to hold my wrIsT!!" (y/n) accidentally yelped when law suddenly dragged her to the infirmary.

And within the moment of what seemed to be 5 minutes, (y/n) sat on a medical bed.

Still processing everything that had happened before inhaling sharply when law accidentally spilled hydrogen peroxide on the wound specifically.


"it's alright... It kinda caught me off guard though" (y/n) laughed lightly.

It caused the tanned male to smile a little, but not enough for (y/n) to notice, or anyone to notice if it was in public.

"really? Tell me... Earlier, how do you not feel the pain? Or you just ignored it?" law asked as he starts to treat the more serious but minor wounds.

"I used to punch pure iron steel bars back at home... Now, I don't feel anything..." (y/n) said in a whispered voice.

The voice itself sounded so sinister it made law look up and saw (y/n) staring at the floor with boredom and a blank expression that made their eyes look lifeless or dead.

"your parents didn't stop you?"

"they tried. But they can't..." she hummed, "I guess they just gave up in the end and just gave me some drinks and snacks for the whole day" (y/n) chuckled at the remembrance

"hmm... Your parents can't stop you...? How many days did you do that?" law asked as he just finished her left hand.

"six thousand two hundred nine days..." she mumbled making law slowly turn to her with a 'what the fuck did you just say?' expression mixed in with a confused one is just priceless to (y/n).

But she's trained hardcore to control her emotions so laughing was just inside her.

"17 years" she hummed with a small chuckle.

"17 years of you punching iron? But then... How old did you start?"

"when I was 5, I still do it today though... But instead I punch something harder." (y/n) hums.

"what's something harder than steel or iron?"


"huh...? But then... Where do you find large amounts of titanium?!" law asked after finishing her right hand.

She hummed and looked at her bandaged hands.

"abandoned marine bases. There's tons of them in basements, and I heard the island we're going to has an abandoned base... Wanna come with me?" (y/n) asked as she looked into her captain's eyes.

He saw the crazed look in her eyes, one that if she isn't able to do what she wants, she'll literally kill anyone that prohibits her to do so. In which she can to be honest.

"what? You want me to punch iron with you?"

"nah. I just think that there might be salvageable objects inside, marines tend to purchase more than they intend to use so... There might even be raw materials anyone can use for crafting!" (y/n) said excitedly.

The crazed look in her eyes shifted in a blink of an eye to one who has a childish dream, one that has a cheerful heart.

Which mad ehim wonder, does she have another personality he should be aware of?

"hmm... That's true... Maybe I could come with you"

"yay! Then you should get your soul and weapon ready!" (y/n) said jumping down the bed cutely.

"my-my soul?!"

"yeah. Mentally! I mean... You wouldn't know what you might see in an enemy's basenow do you?"

"hmm... You've got a point- wait... Why my weapon?"

"like I said, you wouldn't know what you might see in an enemy's base, and besides... It is better to prepare in case of.... Random circumstances" (y/n) hummed the last part with a hint of insanity.

"hmm... That's true but- wait!" law tried to stop (y/n) but she already left.

Law sighed, then chuckled.

"I guess there's no turning back now" he shrugged.

Later on...

"I wonder what part of this island is the- oh, never mind... There it is" (y/n) hummed as law looked over

"huh? That looks like-"

"an entrance to a mine, yes... But I can sense marital energy from it... Even if it's not, let's check it out!" (y/n) hummed as she ran over to the entrance wihh law following close.

"huh? You're right... It is a marine base..." law softly hummed as they went in.

The inside of it was, from what law expected, had marine's fake accomplishments.

Everything on the walls literally complimenting how this branch of marine base is better than everywhere in the whole entirety of the government.

"look captain... Their infirmary, oh... It smells like rotten blood in here... Probably the blood bags that gone rotten." (y/n) hummed as the reek of literal hell was smelled.

Law covered his mouth and nose to at least help stop the scent from entering his system.

"look at those equipment... It's all... New..." law sighs as he went and walked up to those things that check your heart rate.

"hmm? Yeah... Want to bring that back? I remember the last one we had is partially broken because of Serbia's tantrums..."

"yes. I want to bring this along and... If it's alright, all of this?" law asked

"sure. No one will need it anyways, it's like ghosts will need human equipment" (y/n) joked making law hum.

"how though...?"

"ah! I know... Trust me, we'll get all of these and maybe even more"

"really? That's reassuring"

"yup! Leave it all to me, I can do it"

the Phoenix in the snow (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now