Chapter 13 - Interrogation

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You wave Anna goodbye for the last time. They were to meet Moriarty and took the night off to do so. While you scoff a few times at their remarks, left alone in the dark palace you called home, they were greeted by a car waiting right by the road.

"Hey, Seb," they smile when he gets out the car.

"I'm so sorry, Anna," he says before knocking them out with the back of his hand gun.

"Kinky fuckers," you grimace from the window, staring at Seb pushing Anna's passed out body into the back seat of the car.


Jim clicks his tongue, staring at Anna slowly gaining consciousness. "Mx Watson..."

"Fucks sake, Jim," Anna cranes their neck back in annoyance, "I already said that if you want to try new things out then give me a heads up," they grumble.

"This isn't-! No- I'm not-!" he stammers before fixing his posture. "I trusted you and in return I find out you're a spy?"

"And now you want me to give you info on Y/n, right?"

"Smart girl," he takes out a knife. "Start talking,"

"You know knives have the opposite effect on me, Jim," they start to fiddle with the ropes but realise it was no use. "Mind letting me out so we can have dinner? I haven't eaten in..." they fiddle with their watch, tossing it over and into their lap, "two hours, which is two hours too long,"

"Hey! Stop that," he snatches it away, trying to keep professional, "speak and maybe I'll let you out of here alive," he pushes the chair back a little, tilting Ann over the ledge in the four story warehouse. "What does Y/n want?"

"She wanted to know about how you work, what your interest in Sherlock is," they shrug, "Y/n honestly just thought you were in love with him... have to kind of agree-"

"Shut up!" He lets the chair hit all its legs back onto the concrete ground. "What have you told her?"

"Your connections to Russia, Greece, Italy, America, blah blah blah," Anna rolls their eyes, "she got bored after a while which was rude because it took so long for me to make the information look pretty in my notebook," they complain, seeing Seb open their purse and hand over a notebook. "Oh! Not that one... that's my uhm..." they look to the readers nervously, "period journal, tracking and stuff, definitely not fanfic material... the info is in the blue leather one,"

He apologises though slightly confused, switching books. "There haven't been any interferences with any clients or branches," Seb whispers, looking over the notes.

"And what does Y/n want from Sherlock?" He kept flicking through.

"Wanted to see what the hype was about, whether he was really as smart as they say," Anna explains, "she left only because he got close to finding out who she was and really wanted to make that grand entrance but... if you ask me, I think she got too fond of 221B and didn't want anything compromising her plans,"

"And what plans are those?"

"Taking over the entire criminal underworld and then slowly... the world," Anna says with the most dramatic voice they could muster without laughing. "She's rehearsed it quite a bit,"

"And this information... it's from months ago... why did you stay?" Jim shoves the book in their face.

"Maybe because finding a decent guy is difficult and if it has to be an annoying psychotic bastard then so be it," they finally got free of the ropes after all the struggle, untying the ones around their legs and standing up. "So now can we please go to dinner?"

Jim blinks a few times before smirking, "I have another idea," he practically tackles them in a frenzied kiss while Sebastian gags, racing out the room with a pale look.

"Disgusting," the sniper scowls, shutting the doors before he heard or saw anymore.


The click of the lock was off by a bit, not Anna's usual incompetent fiddling and grumbles of annoyance. With a small groan of annoyance, you pull open your drawer, taking out a gun and silencer. "Can't believe I have to clean this up myself,"

"Before you shoot, I should let you know it's me! Sebastian!" he yells before even going down the hall. "Moriartys right hand man?"

"Never mind..." tossing it to the side, you fling open the doors to greet him, "don't tell me they decided to do it in the car,"

"Warehouse- clean one though," he assures, "I sent another driver because I don't want to be within a mile of that place," from that, he was led down the hall to the kitchen, offered a cup. "Boring night?"

"As always... you?"

"Curious one," he sat down on the island seat. "Sherlock, anything more from that or is it done and over with?"

You grip the tea cups, "I have no use for him anymore, why would I bother?"

"Boss faked his death, came back when Sherlock did and still found a way to have fun- though to be fair he wasn't in love-" Sebastian caught the knife you flung at his face.

"Sorry," you take a deep breath, "still working on my retaliations," catching the knife by the handle when he tosses it back, you slide it into the wooden block.

"You're better than Boss, I'll give you that," he then mumbles a thanks for the tea you pour. "Anna mentioned a few things,"

"About feelings? Yeah, they tend to do that quite a bit," biscuits laid out, conversion diversion was more on your mind, "any future plans Jim has laying around?

"Boss would kill me if I told you about any of it,"

"I'll only use it to make sure our schedules don't clash!" stirring in your sugar, a small thought then hit you, "do any of them have to do with Holmes?"

"What happened to not wanting anything to do with Sherlock?" he couldn't help but smirk, no matter how likely he'd get shot for it.

"Not Sherlock Holmes, I meant Mycroft," hand held out, you expected your phone to be handed over only to realise it was Seb and not Anna, "ugh, walking sucks," you storm away while he grabs his cup and saucer, racing after.


Hope you all liked the plot twist last chapter :))

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Hope you all liked the plot twist last chapter :))

- Anna ❤️

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