Chapter 20 - Threats and therapy

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"I will never understand sentiment," Jim almost mocked.

"If I stabbed Anna then what would you do?"

"Simple, I'd rip your limb from limb until death seemed like mercy," he sips at his tea, giving your assistant a smile.

"That's sentiment," you deadpan at the criminal whose face falls. "That orphanage is where I grew up, it's where I thought I'd die," scoffing at those nights without a meal when you gave it to other kids, sick to the brink of unbearable, all without medicine, water hardly drinkable, "I thought I'd die by the time I turn 15... and eventually at 18 they kicked me out,"

"So what? You got out and started your business; why are you so attached to that damn place?"

"Because I knew I was the lucky one, and when I finally was able to help out that damn place, it was abandoned, and everyone I knew from there- the ones I cared about were either dead or long lost,"

"And those you didn't care for? The adults?"

"They were crossed off my list one by one," gripping at the teacup tighter, eventually the porcelain handle snaps. "Anna, I need another cup," you grit through your teeth, a new cup replacing it as expected. "I don't know why I'm telling you all this; it just gives you more leverage!"

"I made Anna a promise, and that was not to use any of this against you in the slightest manner," he looks to your assistant, who nods approvingly.

"They threatened you?"

"They did... extensively," he shudders before biting into a homemade biscuit. "Now, I need you to know that while we may be heading for the same goal of having the world in the palm of our hands... I consider you a colleague of sorts, and I do admire your work,"

"Thanks, Moriarty,"

"I mean it, and it isn't because Anna is threatening me right this second,"

You turn around just in time to see them hide a kitchen knife, face turning into a sweet smile. "More tea?" They accidentally hold up the blade instead of the teapot, "I tried..." you watch them walk off, laughing softly with Jim.

"I do somewhat mean it," he stands, straightening his suit out, "you have potential, and I can't wait to see what you have in store next,"


"I have no idea what she has in store next," Sherlock glares at the current file. "I don't know what Moriarty will be targeting either,"

"The amount you've said 'I don't know' today is twice more than I've heard in the past however many years we've known each other," John ruffles up the newspaper in hand. "What else can we do? Nothing interesting except that case there has happened in the past week,"

"It's been a week?" Sherlock snaps his attention to the calendar, the current date circled.

"Yeah... did you circle today? I don't remember-"

"I'll be back," he grabs his coat so rapidly that John hardly had time to slip in a word.

"I'll... be right here then,"


"Good choice on the suit, Mr Jacobs," you watch him enter the hospital lobby from the cafe floor.

"T-thank you," he stammers into the phone, briefcase in hand.

"Now, don't look nervous, the security here know what you're here for... after all, they do work for me," sipping generously at your drink, you switch focus to your laptop showing CCTV. "A guard by the name of Louis will show you the way to JJ's room. Your ex-wife will be there but if an argument breaks out, god forbid distress JJ, then I will intervene,"

"Yes, ma'am,"

Hanging up, the reflection of a long navy coat by the cafe entrance made your blood run cold. The owner slowly walks up until his blue scarf was evident alongside chocolate brown curls. "I was wondering how long I'd have to wait until you'd join me, Mr Holmes,"

"No you weren't,"

Huffing shortly in amusement, your cup clinks against the saucer, "well, I wasn't exactly hoping for it,"

"How is it going so far then?" He gestures to the seat which you allow him to take.

"We'll have to see, won't we?" You glance to the CCTV again. "I'm off now to see it all in person,"

"Is that an invitation?"

"Whether or not it is, you'll come along regardless,"


Despite the expected conflict in the beginning, JJ's mother eventually let him see their son. You were surprised she was willing to let him see JJ, though the money may have had something to do with it.

"Dad?" JJ immediately teared up, rushing to his father despite being in the middle of a check up. "You're here! You're actually here!"

"Hey, James," from your spot in the hall, through the slightly shuttered window, you could catch him letting a tear trickle down his cheek. "You've grown!"

"Yeah! I missed you so much," James' worry to his father's whereabouts dissipated these past few years, all that mattered now was that he was here.

"You can always tell how much something moves a person, and whether or not change is triggered by it," you walk away from the room, Sherlock giving one last second to observe before following. "I hope that moved you enough, Holmes, because I assure you... my real goal is far from just reuniting families,"

"You ever think that maybe you're putting your talents into the wrong thing?" He stopped just at the elevator.

"Giving others a second chance when I see pros outweighing cons is an easy thing... but redemption by faith is not in my blood nor nature," stepping in, you click the lobby button. "Good luck on your case... I hope you enjoyed the clue,"

"Right the c- the clue?! Wait- what clue??" He tries to stop the elevator but fails, also failing to hear your laugh.


Currently still exhausted 🤘😛

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Currently still exhausted 🤘😛

- Anna ❤️

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