Chapter 15 - Deep breaths

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"Sherlock?" John was hesitant to speak up while his friend kept glaring at the leaving car.

A candle flame disappearing to ignite a bonfire, anger boiled through his veins for a second, enough for him to take a swing against the wall, the wood hardly budging but the small photo frame smashing against the ground.

"And to think our parents said you didn't need anger management," Mycroft finally spoke up after watching it all, further down the hall than John.

"Mycroft," John raised a hand to the eldest Holmes, trying to tell him to back down.

"You know, I said to never get involved and yet here we are... after getting involved twice, do you not learn anything?" he mocks.

"Mycroft, not now," John says once more.

"Always the dumb Holmes... always settling for low-life's like Y/n,"

Though before John could input a final say, Sherlock had walked off, door slamming behind him. "Are you proud now?" John aks with a glare set on Mycroft, nothing but hate seeping from his words, "he hardly spoke for weeks after Y/n left, more after she revealed all this shit and now who knows how much you pushed him?!"

"My brother-"

"No, this is not how siblings treat each other," the blogger seethes. "Siblings don't sell the other out to criminals and siblings sure don't belittle when the other is down," John straightens out his shirt, taking a breath, "however much you pushed him now, I really hope it wasn't over the edge,"

"He won't do anything rash, it's a woman!" Mycroft scoffs.

"You know, for a sociopath, he sure has more feelings than you," he opened the door, "he's been clean for so long, and I'm really not enjoying the fact I need to do a quick look around the flat again," slammed again, John hoped his words got through to Mycroft... even just a little.


What had gotten into you?? You weren't oblivious, that's for sure, but it didn't make sense. Nothing would have triggered such a feeling, right? The feeling of longing. Existential crisis in the form of confusion on why.

Why him?

Nothing of importance stood out from him.

He seemed like every other semi-decent man in the country. A sultry accent, ocean eyes to melt into and perfect-

"Stop that!" you yell at nothing but your porcelain tiled walls. Steamed had started to collate, cascading down towards the floor. "Anna!" When silence followed your frown deepened. "I need to start setting a schedule for them," your eyes were trailed to the floor where your feet stepped out to. From the warm blanket of water, suds of bubbles dropped to the plush carpet.

There was a small illumination from your bedroom desk, the lamp, something you were sure you hadn't turned on.

I won't give full details but stay away from the 2 Marsham St., The SIS Building and Palace of Westminster... boss said I couldn't say anything, not write :)
- Sebastian
P.s. If you ever need to talk, you can ask Anna for Boss' address, I'm sure he won't mind you coming over as long as you bring Anna

"I don't need to talk," you scoff, throwing the now crumpled paper away- of course after noting down the addresses to avoid. Moriarty may be a rival in slight but you wouldn't dare break out a war... at this stage of your career.


Your gun's safety clicked off. "Aw, honey... you should have thought about that before you double crossed me," you stare at the begging man on his knees in front of you. A few more tears stream down his face before you felt morally obliged to do something. Walking around him to your office door, you push it open, "you're lucky I'm merciful... this better be the last time you so much as breathe in the same room as me,"

"Oh thank you! I promise!" He sobs, dashing out the door and down the hall until being shot down by your gun.

You press the button of a small intercom on your desk, "good to know your promise will be kept... take his body away,"

While men dragged the bloodied body away, another pair rolls up the stained carpet to be cleaned and Anna walking through with their clipboard. "We have a deposit from Sicily, Marco sends his regards,"

"Send it to the usual charity, and prepare a car, I want to visit the hospital," you wipe down your gun before placing it away, "now."

"Yes, Ma'am," Anna salutes making you playfully glare their way.


With a wig different from your usual hair colour, coloured contacts and makeup different, you prepare a small bag of goodies. Now, why was a criminal mastermind visiting a children's hospital?

No one can be so heartless.

"Y/n!" a young girl, Luna, was one of many children who would surround you during your time at the orphanage. Your mind was filled with all sorts of knowledge and they enjoyed learning from you and not from the teachers.

"What now, Luna?" you hang up the last of the sheets, daily chores now complete.

"I'm bored," she holds a small bunny stuffed animal to her chest, chocolate brown eyes wide and pleading.

Your sigh told her she had won, "come on," you pick her up, putting her on your hip, despite your young age, you acted more like a guardian than the true guardians in this building. "Let me tell you about... The city of Athens,"

Luna loved Greek Mythology, no more than Ancient Egyptian but it was a close second. Though dark at times, you coloured it, lightened the tales and told them enthusiastically. Recently you had seen her grow sick, the girl looking paler as all colour drained. Her wavy brown hair no longer thoroughly combed as usual, showing her weakening state.

She would often run to your room at night with small sniffles, begging for you to stop the pain. Without knowing what the pain was, you weren't sure what to do. The adults at the orphanage said that the young girl was a brat and causing a scene for attention.

You knew better... and by the 5th month, it took Luna collapsing and not waking for a medical check up. Too late... you were too late.

"Hey, moonstone," you ruffle her hair gently when she finally woke up. She hardly could keep awake nowadays. With no money to treat her sickness, despite how much you tried to raise, earn and beg for, nothing could help.

She coughs a little, her small hands grabbing yours, "Y/n?" her once excited voice now sounded frail, "can you tell me the story about Athens again?" she sniffles, trying to ignore the pain in her body.

"Of course," you held your head up high, not daring to cry at the small winces of pain she showed. That night you stayed by her side, reciting the tale and helping her until she was fast asleep. By then you had grown tired from weeks of sleepless nights.

The one night you slept somewhat soundly, you had woken up to loss. The one night.

Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you adjust your wig, wiping away a small tear before taking that breath.

"Deep breaths, Y/n!" Luna holds her thumbs up, guiding you a little to make sure you didn't snap at the useless adults again. "Remember? Big smile, deep breaths!"



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- Anna ❤️

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