Chapter 17 - JJ

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You sat at the table, walking through the school work with the kids, giving them compliments with their every success, encouragement with their every try, assurance with their every failure.

"Fourteen?" One of the younger ones asks with a small whisper.

"Very good, Aziza!" You give a bright smile, letting her write the answer down, "can you do the next one yourself?" She nods. "Alright, I'll be over there helping JJ in case okay?"

"Pew!" JJ pretends to shoot Tommy from the other side of the room making you shake your head.

"And what do you boys think you're doing?"

The both shriek, hiding the toy guns. "Uhm- nothing!"

"Was that a lie, James?" You use his full first-name making him cringe.

"You sound like my mum," he scowls, stalking back to his work.

"And she's working very very hard so you get well, so you better work just as hard to make her proud," you pick up his pen and hand it over, "she's already very proud but you don't know how happy it will make her to know you're doing so well in school,"

"She never says she's proud- she's never even around to say hi," he sniffles, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, slumping down. "She sometimes drops by but dad never bloody does-"

"Language," you note, wiping his cheek of tears. "I never asked about your dad... did you want to talk about it?"

"Mum says he's out working to get us money but I heard them when they'd argue," he scratches the graphite into the notebook mindlessly. "I just want to see him,"

"Why don't you call him? What if mum does?" You look to Anna who was already on it.

"Because Mum and I don't know where he went... he changed his number and Mum kept crying for weeks," he couldn't help but keep crying.

"Oh, JJ, I'm so sorry," comforting him in your arms, you didn't notice the detective and blogger talking to a nurse by the open door. She held a tray of medicine and was about to pay a visit to the room before they stopped her, of course giving full access to the situation.

"I just want it to be normal again..." his words broke your heart.

"I would say it will be but I won't lie to you... sometimes change is good, and I'm sure your father will eventually visit, that's a change you should want," hopeful he would calm down, his breathing still kept high. "Deep breaths, JJ," coaching him through each one, eventually he was calm, though exhausted from the crying. "How about you do this tomorrow and take a small rest, okay?"

After a small nod, another nurse helped guide him back to his room. "What's the plan?" Anna gets up with a new braid in their hair.

Watching the boy rub his eyes sleepily, you straighten out your shirt, fixing the collar you walk out without noticing Sherlock and John almost hiding in the crowd of visitors and nurses. "I want an exact location of JJ's father," with your direct orders, Anna started to call people up as Sherlock followed suit.

"I need four people per country checking international residences and 20 domestic," Anna says into the phone, Sherlock noting this easily.

Dialling a number, you wait for it to ring, "Sebastian!" You gleam at his groggy and annoyed voice.

"It's my day off, what do you want?"

"Aw, can't I call my uh... assistant's boyfriend's right hand man without wanting anything?" You see Anna divert to the elevator headed to the parking garage.


"Well you'd be right," you wait for the elevator. "I need you to help me out. There's someone I need to have a talk with,"

Moran groans, rolling out of bed, "fine, but I'm getting paid,"

"See you tonight at 7, my people will have a location by then," shutting the elevator door, Sherlock slid in just in time. "You know leaving John behind is rude,"

"He's used to it,"

"Doesn't make it right,"

"And you know right from wrong, do you?" He and you kept eyes forward. "So tell me what you have planned for JJ's father,"

"I'd rather not, Detective," typing away to confirm that Anna had some sort of lead, your voice continuously mocked him. "Besides, don't you have a case?"

"Easily solved, second degree murder, brother did it," he then walks out to the main lobby with you. "So, I'm going to need that address, because I will be going with you,"

"To do what? Stop me?" Nearly cackling at his plan, you see your car waiting, Anna outside with a hand on the door. "This case is none of your business, Holmes, so stay out of it before I make you,"

He grabs your wrist before you could get away. "I'm not going to let you hurt an innocent man,"

"Ha!" Fixing his grip, his wrist now in your hand, you pulled him closer. "Innocent? Hardly... my plan will go forth, and not even the great Sherlock Holmes can stop me,"


"Holy shit," Anna kneels down, taking another three Marvel Pop Funkos from the shelf. "Bye bye pay check," they balance another five which soon topple if a certain curly haired man hadn't caught them. "Oh thanks man," they look up to see Sherlock, "fuck."

"Mx Watson,"

"Ugh, if you're trying to get information you're going to have to try harder than being charming... and I have a boyfriend so sleeping with me won't work anymore," they push past to the cashier who sighs from all the boxes.

"I'm aware of Moriarty, and I wouldn't sleep with you to get information- how often does that work??" Sherlock gives a look of concern.

"It worked with Jim," they were going to pay but Sherlock tapped his card despite the high amount... Thank you Mycroft for leaving your wallet in your coat!

"You have half my attention," they take the bags, freezing when he holds up a bag of McDonald's plus a pack of Redbull. "I'll tell you anything but her N.I.N.," Anna snatches it, walking away.


Hehe bby Sherlock

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Hehe bby Sherlock

- Anna ❤️

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