Chapter 14 - Visitor

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"I can handle myself, you know?" You look in the mirror, seeing Seb load his gun behind you.

"Yeah, but it's the least I can do considering you offered me a cup of tea," he slings the rifle over his shoulder, following you to the elevator so it descends to the garage. "Any car you prefer?"

"Mercedes Benz..." you flip the light switch and toss him the keys, "S-Class,"


"You're not going to let me go in alone, are you?" You inquire, seeing Sebastian shakes his head in the rear view mirror as a response. "Sebastian, Mycroft Holmes' most dangerous weapon is the knife in his umbrella, I'll be fine-"

"There is a car going down this same route," he informs, "I won't let you go in when more people are on their way."

"More people?" you look back to see a slight light in the far distance.

"They took the same turn as us 6 times," he continues off, "what's our play? Because if you go in, I'm going too,"

"You know I wish I was your boss so I could tell you to shut up,"

"You can still tell me to shut up, just can't promise I will," he just catches the traffic light, "that should give us a few minutes," he eventually passes a few traffic lights, using his phone to do so.

"Two more lights and stop ones behind so I have at least 10 minutes," you order, pressing a button in the back seat so a small compartment pops open, "park through the back, I don't want whoever that is to see the trail marks," running your fingers along shined blades, you take out a collection to match your outfit and slip it in your leg garter.

"Yes, Ma'am," he turns down a different road while you load up your gun.


Mycroft heard the sudden disturbance, grabbing the gun under the table he sat at. Not recognising the footsteps caused him to grow anxious. "Hands off the gun unless you want a bullet in your chest, Mr Holmes," you say from the hall, peering around and seeing both hands on the table again, "that's a good boy,"

"Miss L/n," he stands, "don't worry, Sherlock informed me-"

"I'm not here to talk about your brother, Mr Holmes," you sit on the table in front of him, "I have information and want to work... closely with the government,"

"I know better than to agree to those terms," he didn't seem bothered despite Sebastian standing by the door, rifle readied. "I've worked with Moriarty in the past... reluctantly, and it didn't end well-"

"Well, I'm not Moriarty," you counter.

He was quick to reply though, "so why is his right hand man here?"

Sighing in annoyance, this was taking longer than expected. One click of your fingers had Sebastian walk off annoyed to scout the house. "Sebastian is under my word because Moriarty is fucking my assistant." Obviously this threw Mycroft off. "Now, back to my offer... I know England like the back of my hand," you jump off the table and walk behind him, "I know the inner workings you didn't know even existed!"

"Like what?" he scoffs, tensing and glaring when both of your hands grab his shoulders.

"The Government buildings... they hold vital information. Very, very vital. So it would be a shame if other countries had rats hidden, isn't that right?"

"You're saying we have spies-"

"Every country has spies! Whether or not the information is leaked or used to attack is when it becomes..." you walk back around and stomp your foot just between his legs, right against the oak seat, "dangerous," he catches sight of the knives you placed along your thigh: three blades exactly. "Three spies. Where and who is for me to know and you to- well, for you to come crawling to me for,"

"Didn't know you had company at this time, Mycroft," Sherlock and John turn up, guns raised but mouths soon dropped.

Sherlock felt a lump leap to his throat, eyes fixed right on you. The way you were presented, your clothes, stance, aura, almost lost in the moment, all hate faded. He was reminded of when he would pull you closer after a movie night, loving the feeling of your head on his chest... which all ended when you left. Showing true colours.

Then the hate rose up again.

"Of course..." the slightly compromising situation was embarrassing to say the least. Dropping your leg, you fling your skirt back over properly, taking away the gun from under Mycroft's table.

"Sorry, Captain," John and Sherlock drop their weapons when two guns were raised behind their heads.

"Not now, Sebastian," you point your finger down for him to lower his guns. "I expect you to keep in touch, Mr Holmes," sliding your card into his suit pocket, you toss the gun across the room before pushing past the duo. "Get the car, Sebastian, knowing your boss and my assistant... well, we'll have time to visit the Russians," you walk down the hall with him.

"Yes, Ma'am," he jogs off while you happily walk at a normal pace, typing away on your phone.

Then there was footsteps, rapid, urgent, of a man much taller... "ah, ah," once you grab your knife nonchalantly, you raise it to Sherlock's neck. "Down, boy,"

He takes a sharp inhale, more from your words making you smile. "What are you doing here?" The detective blurts.

Finishing off your text, you boredly look to him, "I'm here to discuss an offer with your brother,"

"And what's the offer? Some half-assed seduction along?" he scoffs in disbelief.

"You were always cute when you were jealous," walking on, he wasn't going to back down soon.

This was evident as Sherlock grabs your wrist, blade dropping, and hands against the wall above your head. "I'm not jealous, certainly not of my brother,"

"Really? Then so what if I was about to fuck him? What would you do?" you challenge, long breaths let out just like his. "Nothing to say?"

"I have plenty to say," he tightens his grip, "like you're a liar... and god you're a horrible one at that,"

"Oh, darling," pushing back, your eyes near siren-like, "if I was so bad at lying..." leaning closer despite the restraint, your lips still next to his ear, "how did I get away with the good girl act for so many months?"

That struck a nerve, one he would deal with later, but for now he simply let go, "leave,"

"I was going to but you decided to initiate foreplay- oh, sorry, that's a sex thing!" you use the time to adjust his scarf. "Don't want to make you too uncomfortable... Virgin," with that last word, you pull the scarf end to tighten around his neck.

"Next time I see you, you'll be on trial for whatever I can pin on you," he threatens. If you could call that a threat.

Amused, you crane your neck back, "catch me if you can... Mr Holmes," words of velvet, he was left gritting his teeth in anger while you enter the car smugly, your smile being caught by him easily.

"Where to?" Sebastian asks almost immediately.

"My home... please," you sink into the leather seats with a soft huff against the palm you leant on.



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- Anna ❤️

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