Chapter 18 - Mr. Jacobs

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Knocking twice on the trailer, it was grimy and smelt of mould, your nose instantly scrunching up in disgust. "This is putrid," you whisper to the rotting trash by the door.

Sebastian was mid-hum to agree with you when he raised a gun at a new figure. "Ma'am, we have company,"

You turn back, jaw dropping slightly before clenching in anger, "what the hell are you doing here??" you storm up to Sherlock, raising a blade to his neck.

"Like I said, I'm going with you," he ignores you, letting you put the blade against his neck, "go ahead, ruin your little plan,"

Giving a small grunt of annoyance, you back away and knock more rapidly against the door, gesturing for the men to hide.

"What the fuck is it now?" A drunken man opens to see you smiling up innocently, "well hello there, love,"

"Mr. Jacobs," your formal manner made him freeze.

"You're not with taxes are you? The police? Government??"

"No, no," you calm him, a hand waving off that idea. "No, my name is Y/n L/n, I'm here to talk about your son James,"

Sherlock was hesitant to let you go in alone but Sebastian held a hand up to stop him from intervening, "Y/n knows what to do,"


"What's wrong with James? Kid dead?" he cracks open another beer.

"No, James is doing quite well, though you seem unphased by the chance of his passing,"

"Kid was a menace, ruined my damn life," he opens his kitchen drawer seeing an unexpired pack of condoms, a malicious grin on his face, "couldn't get laid when his bitch of a mother came crying for me to help out,"

"Is that so?" you see him take a condom into his pocket, grimacing at his intentions now, you decide to play on it regardless of your disgust. "When was the last time you got laid, Mr Jacobs?"

"Long ass time... thought mainly because I never see anyone as sexy as you, sweetcheeks," he turns around, thinking he got his way when you let him put two hands on your hips.

"Oh, Mr Jacobs..." you chuckle, "I think it's because you're a disgusting asshole," elbowing him in the nose, you slide your foot under to drop him to the ground. "You disrespectful scum of the earth," pressing your boot to his neck, pressure applies, "now... let's get straight to business,"


Sherlock heard the thud and slight groans of struggle making him dismiss Sebastian's attempts to hold him back, rushing into the trailer. Just in time to see you tying the man to a chair, Sherlock was shocked at the sheer state of Mr. Jacobs.

"How'd you tie him up so fast?" Sherlock asks, walking around the man.

"I have... experience," leaning over to grab the man's face, you smell alcohol on his breath, "though I promise you, Mr. Jacobs, my expertise with rope your sick mind is thinking off is one you will never have the pleasure of experiencing," the twine wraps over your fist slowly while you walk back to settle on the table.

"You know, I don't know why you and Boss decide to talk about kinky shit while beating people up," Sebastian slings his rifle to the front making Mr. Jacobs whimper through the duct tape wrapped around his mouth, digging into his skin.

"People in the business expect people like me to take pleasure from this," you press a button on a small handle to reveal a blade, "but trust me, when this is the face I'm given, it's just bad habit," tossing it in the air, you make it hit the wooden kitchen shelf behind his head.

"Good to know," Moran raise the rifle into a proper grip.

"What's also good to know is that a nurse in the children's hospital is looking for a date, I can give you their number? Rose, works in the main hospital too from time to time-"

Finally, Sherlock snapped out his trance, "you said you weren't going to hurt anyone,"

"No, you said you won't let me hurt an innocent man," clicking your tongue at him with a shake of your head, "specifics, Mr. Holmes, specifics," holding your head up high, it turns to Mr. Jacobs. "Now I have a dinner reservations with the Americans, I'd rather not be kept behind schedule," the blade rips right across the tape, just slightly slicing his stubbles skin.

He cries out again when you rip the rest off, including bits of his hair. "Bitch!" That earned him a slap to the face.

"Manners," you then wipe your hand on a handkerchief. "JJ, that's what we call him now," flipping the blade in and out of its handle, each step of your shoes was met with a small, subtle flinch. "You'd know that if you weren't such a pathetic father- in fact the doctor taking care of him is a better fucking father," rage built up, let go with one punch to his now fractured nose.

"Deep breaths," Sebastian reminds, a small note from Anna.

"Sorry! Sorry," you shake your head with a lopsided smile, "unhealthy coping mechanisms eventually become bad habits,"

Sherlock held a stoic expression, watching the man's blood mix with tears. "Why are you doing this?" Mr. Jacobs sniffles.

"I'm so glad you asked!" Finally the blade tip pressed to his jugular. "JJ is a smart and promising boy. While he wants to see dear ol' mummy more, I think a visit from his coward of a father would somehow bring him joy!" Kicking the chair down to the ground, his wrists squish under his weight as your foot pressed to his throat again. "So listen well when I say these simply instructions: you will visit him at this address," a card was forced between his teeth, "you will say hi and act like I didn't just refrain from having Seb put a bullet between your eyes,"

"Y-yes, ma'am," the card wobbles around in her mouth a little.

"Ah, ah, I'm not done," you take out a small book, pen and wad of cash. "This is an incentive... on the side of the law," it drops by his head. "In that book is a few notes: a time and date of a job interview, and when to pop in to see JJ, as well as a target goal of money,"

"Uhm, target goal?" The card slipped from his mouth as beads of sweat trickle along his forehead.

"It's exactly how much you should have been paying JJ's mother for taking care of him all these years plus enough for until he graduates University..." you kneel down closer, "that cash there is for you to get fixed up." Sebastian then places a briefcase down by the items, "and call this mercy... the money in this case is my loan to help you make amends with your son,"

"W-what do you mean?" he blinks like a dumb child.

"It means that tomorrow you will drop this money off to your ex-wife, apologise, and if you take a single pound from the case I will know, and one of my men will shoot you until you're nothing but a bloodied puddle of pulp, got it?" He nods fearfully making you sigh in satisfaction, "great! So nice to have a chat... I will pay a visit every four months, or if I have concerns,"

"Y-yes, ma'am, thank you, ma'am," he stammers, nearly shrieking when you pull out the blade.

"Oh, shut up, I'm untying you," cutting through the rope, you eventually get up and walk off.


Currently hella tired

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Currently hella tired

- Anna ❤️

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